MILOS Supljeglav always understood the value of providing a voice for others, spending many of his school years as student councillor.
It’s a skill he has taken to his role as managing partner and in-house counsel with DS Family Law.
DS Family Law specialises in all types of family law services but principally financial settlements between parties involving property adjustments and parental responsibility.
Among the leading law firms in Darwin and Mandurah, and in the top echelon in Perth, DS Family Law works with people from all walks of life such as immigrants, farmers, business executives and everyone in between.
In the nine years since the practice started business, DS Family Law has grown from two partners and one personal assistant to two partners, 10 employed solicitors and eight support staff. It has branch offices in Darwin, Mandurah and Midland and consulting rooms in Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Esperance, Karratha and Port Hedland.
Growing up in Kambalda, Mr Supljeglav is acutely aware of the lack of services in regional Western Australia. He addresses this through his business as well as charity and volunteer work.