BRUCE Bairstow started his career as a mining engineer, working in the underground gold and nickel mines of the Goldfields.
Mr Bairstow’s career now involves far more creativity, turning ideas into reality with LogiKal Prjects Group, a niche professional services firm specialising in project scheduling and controls services for large resources and infrastructure projects.
As founder and CEO, he was responsible for building up the Australian arm of the company, as well as overseeing the UK sector.
With most businesses failing in the first three years, Mr Bairstow bucked the trend by building up four businesses within the LogiKal Projects sphere that have not just survived, but prospered.
Mr Bairstow said starting a business at the tail end of the resources boom, along with the GFC, was incredibly difficult time as staff did not want to take a risk on a new company and employee loyalty was low.
A failed attempt to sell training services into the overseas market was a tough experience, but Mr Bairstow said it taught him to trust his judgment and business instincts.
Despite these challenges, LogiKal Prjects Group gained credibility in the market and built a team of more than 20 in less than two years.
Mr Bairstow spends time each week volunteering at his children’s school and hopes to soon get involved with surf lifesaving and the SES.