Alicia Curtis was one of the four First Amongst Equals finalists in the 2019 Business News 40under40 awards. Alicia Curtis is the founder of Alyceum, a successful leadership development company, and is a regular keynote speaker. She has a Masters in Business Leadership and was recognised in AFR’s 100 Women of Influence List in 2014. Ms Curtis established her business in 2002 and is well known for developing engaging leadership programs and presentations that inspire people to step up into their leadership and give back. In 2016, she co-authored the book 'Difference Makers: A Leader's Guide to Championing Diversity on Boards'. Ms Curtis had a diverse range of community leadership experiences, from co-founding her own children’s conference when she was 12 years old, to running as an independent candidate for the Federal Senate when she was 21, to establishing one of the first large-scale women’s giving circles called 100 Women in 2014. She has facilitated a variety of successful award-winning community leadership development programs and conferences including the Engaging Young Leaders on Aged Care and Community Boards program with Southcare, Young Women’s Leadership Program with Muslim Women’s Support Centre, Aboriginal Leadership Programs with high schools, and has spoken at a range of conferences over 15 years.