THE challenging residential property market has been stuck at or below the long-term average turnover for the past four years, according to the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia.
Two long-awaited and much-debated marina proposals have inched closer to becoming reality, with Cedar Woods’ Mangles Bay getting an environmental thumbs-up, and the state government committing to a
Expectations of a strengthening housing sector have been helped by new figures showing a rise in the value of new home loan commitments to a two-year high, economists say.
The state government has unveiled four new land redevelopment committees that will advise the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority on urban redevelopment.
Property group Stockland's first-half net profit has fallen by 28 per cent due to tough economic conditions, but the company expects a better performance in the remainder of the financial year.
AUSTRALASIAN Property Investments and Automotive Holdings Group say they have created a new class of investment property with the establishment of a $66 million property syndicate involving five ca
Service and logistics companies looking to muscle in on Western Australia’s multi-billion dollar oil and gas sector are driving strong demand for industrial space in Perth.
Perth company NLV Group, best known for its National Lifestyle Villages, has added a fourth division to its business with the acquisition of Velocity Villages.
New home sales in Western Australia posted their second consecutive month of growth in December, but transactions are still significantly lower than where they were 12 months ago, according to new
A SIGNIFICANT parcel of inner-city land is being put up for sale by the Water Corporation as part of big changes taking place on the north-west fringe of the central city.
DESPITE the national 2.1 per cent fall in home prices in the December quarter painting an unflattering picture for the sector, property industry leaders remain optimistic about the year ahead.
A 4.1 hectare site surrounding the Water Corporation’s headquarters in Leederville has just hit the market, with Knight Frank calling for expressions of interest from developers.
Two-thirds of Australians are expecting an interest rate cut when the Reserve Bank of Australia board meets on February 7, with some anticipating a large 50 basis points reduction.
Talk of a turnaround in Perth’s property sector after prices rose slightly in November has been all but quashed by new data out today, with home values falling 2.1 per cent over the December quarte
Former Perth company director Peter Hickey has been convicted of three counts of stealing more than $200,000, after using investors’ money to pay off personal debts, including his wife’s credit car
Building industry groups have reiterated concerns about a Gillard government proposal to replace the commercial construction industry watchdog, warning the alternative to the Australian Building an
A LACK of supply will be the big issue for Perth’s office market in 2012, with record-high office take-up figures sending the CBD vacancy rate spiralling to its lowest level in three years.
QUEENSLAND-BASED Oaks Hotels and Resorts has expanded its portfolio in Western Australia with the acquisition of a second property in Broome, naming the Kimberley location as one of its investment
The state government has named a consortium between Brookfield Multiplex and Georgiou Group and another between Leighton and Broad alongside construction heavyweight John Holland on its shortlist f
PERTH’S residential property market is poised for an upturn in coming months, with median prices and housing finance commitments on the rise, and rapidly increasing rents pointing to a bright 2012
WITH construction of its hotel due for completion this year and $93 million of apartments pre-sold in its QIII development, Singaporean property group Frasers is moving ahead with the next st
CBD sales top $1bnProperty group Stockland capped off a busy 2011 for office sales in Perth, with the sale of a 50 per cent interest in Exchange Plaza for $157.7 million.
A MODULAR construction facility being set up by Hutchinson Builders in Northam is set to establish the Queensland company as a high-capacity producer of transportable buildings in Western Australia