SUBIACO-BASED building and construction outfit Northerly Group has been appointed to create a $15 million office building for Rio Tinto at Perth Airport.
THE latest figures from the National Housing Supply Council and the Australian Bureau of Statistics present a challenging outlook for housing accessibility in Western Australia, with a growing popu
Hilton Worldwide has announced it will build a $65 million hotel in Karratha to service increased demand from both the mining sector and the local community.
Perth has been tipped to record the highest growth in median house prices over the next three years, as buyers return to the market amid improving conditions, a report says.
The housing industry is reeling after national homebuilding starts dropped below global financial crisis levels, falling 12.6 per cent in the March quarter.
PLANS for hotel developments in Busselton and Albany could hinge on the application of state government incentives, announced last year to assist hotel investment in Western Australia.
Fremantle’s National Hotel has been sold for an undisclosed sum, with the historic building set to be converted into a Carnegie’s Bar and Restaurant and boutique hotel with a rooftop bar and café.
The Housing Industry Association has launched a stunning attack on the state government, saying its recent efforts to kick-start the sputtering new homes sector do not fix fundamental problems with
Former Midland Redevelopment Authority boss Kieran Kinsella has been appointed as chief executive of the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority, succeeding incumbent Tony Morgan.
Commerce Minister Simon O’Brien has introduced temporary measures to ease backlogs in building approvals, in an attempt to kick-start the struggling residential building sector.
WESTERN Australia’s building industry is scrambling to adjust to new laws regulating the sector, holding crisis meetings with state and local government representatives this week to attempt to halt
Motorists driving to the City of Perth will be slugged 20 cents extra per hour for parking, while property owners will be slugged an average of 6 per cent more in rates under the council’s new budg
The number of properties for sale in Perth has fallen to its lowest level for two years, placing renewed pressure on housing affordability, new research says.
Housing and construction industry bodies in Western Australia are calling for decisive policy changes to address an unexpected blockage in the building approvals process.
The Reserve Bank of Australia’s attempts to stimulate the housing market are having little effect, according to figures released today, with capital city residential property values continuing
Australia's housing industry says it has fallen into a recession after building approvals plunged to their lowest level since the global financial crisis, driven largely by a change in the approval
PLANS are well under way for construction of Geraldton’s first high-rise apartments following the recent completion of the city’s foreshore redevelopment.
New home sales bounced back in April after a disappointing March in Western Australia, but the Housing Industry Association has repeated calls for the state government to ensure policy is encouragi
The state government is calling for hotel developers for a 7,300 square metre site on Hay Street in Perth’s CBD, the first land released under its hotel incentives scheme.
Retail property landlord BWP Trust has increased rents on three of its Bunnings Warehouse properties, including significant jumps for two in Western Australia, highlighting the strength of Perth’s
Perth’s newest skyscraper has reached practical completion, with interior fitouts at Brookfield Place to be completed over the coming months, ahead of an official opening in September.
Industry has given a lukewarm response to the state budget, with the property sector disappointed, tourism still looking for boosts for struggling regions, while miners were concerned over a lack o