Home buyers can continue to expect mortgage discounts next year as big banks battle each other for a bigger share of a sluggish lending market, a new report says.
PERTH’S office market has recorded the fifth strongest annual rental increase across 81 markets worldwide and is the best performing in Australia, according to new research released by Jones Lang L
THE emergence of Lendlease as a major player in the Perth property development scene reflects the company’s concerted push into Western Australia in the past three years, with a mix of distressed-a
The state government is rolling ahead with its plans to develop 'activity centres' around public transport hubs, seeking developers' expressions of interest for eight hectares of undeveloped land b
The state government has announced Satterley Group as its preferred partner to develop around 3,000 new homes in the northern half of the new suburb of Eglinton.
Global financial turmoil and the high Australian dollar are expected to remain as the major ongoing challenges for Australia’s tourism and hospitality industry, as Perth solidifies its position as
Shopping centre operator Centro has successfully jumped the first hurdle in its bid for a restructure at a series of meetings for securityholders to consider the move.
Homeowners looking to refinance their mortgage to secure a better deal could struggle to find a new lender because house prices have fallen and the loan could be more than the home's value.
Development giant Mirvac has been selected as the state government’s preferred proponent to commence a $1.5 billion redevelopment of Karratha, including a new town centre and a 1,500-dwelling coast
ONE of the Barnett government’s top infrastructure priorities is starting to come to fruition, with the release of agricultural land in the Ord River irrigation area, near Kununurra in the state’s
The imminent retirement of Lester Group founder Richard Lester will formally install a new generation of Lester men at the helm of the business but the brothers have already set a new course for th
Property developer Port Bouvard will re-allocate funds previously set aside for its Point Grey project near Mandurah to repay its debts, in order to qualify for an extension of its banking fac
BIS Shrapnel provided some rare good news for the residential property sector this week when it forecast a rise in Perth housing prices and demand for new homes.
QUEENSLAND-BASED Breez Finance is targeting Western Australia’s fast-growing regional centres as it finalises plans to launch a new cooperative lender early next year.
LONG-TIME business partners Con Berbatis and George Atzemis are best known in property circles for their retail investments, but sluggish consumer spending has sharpened the pair’s focus on Perth’s
Rents are spiking for apartments in East Perth because of strong economic growth, low unemployment, corporate relocations and supply shortages, new research from Knight Frank says.
The state government has put out the call for a $200 million contract to design and construct the inlet and surrounding public space for the Perth Waterfront redevelopment.
A fall in residential building approvals in September confirms yesterday’s interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank of Australia was the right call, the Housing Industry Association says.
COLD water has been poured on the prospect for a quick recovery in the housing sector, after the latest data showed prices were still falling and new home sales declined for a sixth consecutive mon
FAST-GROWING towns in the Pilbara have continued to deliver new opportunities for local construction companies, with Pindan and Gavin Construction among the latest winners.
Cedar Woods says it is on track to lodge a record profit of more than $34 million this financial year, with $140 million in pre-sales underpinning its growth in trying market conditions.
Perth home prices appeared to arrest their slide in September, falling just 0.1 per cent over the month to be largely steady for the first time in more than 15 months, new data says.
The City of Fremantle has released new planning guidelines for 12 sites in its underdeveloped east end, featuring four-to seven storey 'European-style' residential developments and nine-storey buil
A new national survey has identified Western Australia's office sector as the most likely in the country to provide a return to investors over the next year.
Perth-based construction company Diploma Group has been announced as preferred contractor for the $45 million redevelopment of the Kwinana Hub shopping centre.
The Queensland state government has given Peet approval for its Greater Flagstone Development Scheme, a residential and town centre development that will ultimately deliver up to 11,500 dwellings.