FIGURES released this week have confirmed the continuing poor performance of the Western Australian housing sector, with Perth recording the largest median price falls of any capital city during th
AFTER years of dabbling with its own online real estate offers, The West Australian newspaper has reached an agreement with the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia to use its popular search
AFTER a decade in Dubai, Woods Bagot architect Mark Mitcheson-Low has moved back to Perth with big ambitions for the city he sees as the regional growth hub of Australia.
The Australian Building and Construction Commission has taken court action against Perth company Inner Strength Steel Fixing and its director, Vishuddha Shane Sacha, over allegations they engaged i
THE City of Fremantle has acknowledged that redeveloping a series of eyesores in its dilapidated east end is key to any plan to revitalise the port city’s economy.
THE threat of store closures at major chain operator Premier Retail has underscored the difficult trading conditions for the sector, with Western Australia’s resources industry failing to provide t
THE state government has short-listed three companies to potentially partner with its agency LandCorp in the development of Eglinton in Perth’s northern coastal development corridor.
SUBIACO-BASED engineering consultancy firm Pritchard Francis has appointed land development experts Cory Johnson and Phillip Patterson as part of the expansion of its civil engineering practice.
Bunbury is hoping to cement itself as the retail hub for the South West by investing more than $150 million into the development of its shopping centres.
IT has been 18 years in the making, but the final pieces of the Subi Centro puzzle are snapping into place, with significant progress occurring at the last two undeveloped sites, the Australian Fine China precinct and Centro North.
LISTED property developer Peet expects to expand its land holdings by as much as 30 per cent over the next five years after partnering with the Future Fund to buy and develop large, residential land holdings in Australia.
THE towns of Cambridge and Vincent want to reunite the elements of the old area of Leederville divided by the Mitchell Freeway as part of a plan to develop key pockets of land isolated by modern transport infrastructure.
ARCHITECTURE firm Silver Thomas Hanley has been appointed to lead the design team for the $234 million redevelopment of St John of God Hospital in Murdoch.
NATIONAL property developer Stockland has boosted its Western Australian residential land holdings by almost 40 per cent to close the big gap between it and local leaders, Satterley and Peet.
THE sale of two significant suburban shopping centres in Perth will test investor enthusiasm for the state government’s new retail property planning policy.
DULUX’S manufacturing facility in O'Connor has just hit the market and is expected to attract interest from developers and owner-occupiers, according to its vendors.
LANDCORP has opened the call for builders and developers to lodge expressions of interest to develop the first release of lots at the Springs Estate in Rivervale.
PROPERTY developers are pressing ahead with their projects in Midland despite the withdrawal by Singapore-based Raffles Education Corporation from plans to establish a university at Midland’s heritage-listed Railway Workshops.
A NEW library and public plaza at Cathedral Square and an injection of funding to complete the Forrest Square redevelopment have highlighted the City of Perth’s $80 million capital works budget, which was passed by the council last week.
After just three months in the top job, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board chief executive Peter Deague is quietly confident the board will secure land from the state government to develop at least three new cemeteries in the metropolitan area to meet demand f
A BID by the Barnett government to redress the age-old power imbalance between retail tenants and their landlords may force shopping centre owners to reveal the intricate details of their lease agreements.
INVESTORS have been on a spending spree in Perth’s city office market in 2011, buying more than $180 million worth of properties in the first few months of the year.
HOTEL heavyweight Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group, Coles and Sandalford Wines owner Peter Prendiville are among the big names understood to be circling the assets of Compass Hotel Group.