Real estate agents Helen and James Limnios have been reprimanded and fined $4,000 each by the State Administrative Tribunal for taking unlawful fees prior to settlement of transactions.
Retail property has been struggling for over 12 months in Australia but rock bottom is still to come, according to gloomy results from the Australian Property Institute’s six monthly property direc
A Western Australian mortgage broker who allegedly fleeced $1.2 million from seven clients spent the money paying off debts, credit cards, school fees and even his partner's tax bill, a Perth&
The state government is set to unveil a design concept this evening for the Mulataga master planned community, considered a key plank of its $1.5 billion Karratha city of the North development.
Demand for rental accommodation in Perth has stabilised, according to the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia, despite rents rising slightly over the past few weeks.
Perth-based private investment group Dorado has become an increasingly prominent player in the state’s property market, as banks’ hesitancy to lend to developers continues.
Stabilising property prices and strong rental returns have resulted in strong buying opportunities for investors, according to Perth-based mortgage broker House + Home Loans.
WESTERN Australia’s new housing sector is showing signs of a recovery, with building approvals, home sales and land sales all increasing over recent weeks.
Improving Perth’s housing density was high on the agenda at a Property Council seminar last week on making Perth a city that ‘works’, with finance, infrastructure and community acceptance raised as
Australia Post has failed to sell its General Post Office Building in Forrest Place and has, instead, reverted to trying to find tenants to fill the vacant retail space.
The Barnett government's handling of the $95 million redevelopment of Perth's soccer and rugby arena will be referred to the auditor-general to determine if taxpayers will get value for money,
Sales of new homes rose significantly in Western Australia over February, a further sign pointing to a recovery in the sector, the Housing Industry Association says.
The state opposition has aligned itself with the Urban Development Institute of Australia in a pledge to streamline Western Australia’s residential planning and approvals system if successful at ne
Banks are desperate to keep lending despite a record number of Australians being "under water" on their mortgages and the Reserve Bank of Australia's warning against chasing unrealistic profits.
WESTERN Australia has been singled out as a ‘shining light’ for reforms made to its planning assessment system, but the industry believes there’s room for further improvement.
SCARCE supply and growing demand from the resources sector have helped push Perth’s hotels market to the top of the class, with the Western Australian capital outperforming all major Australian cit
THE federal government department that oversees the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act is reassessing how it handles development applications after losing a court case to LandCorp.
The City of Fremantle has launched a new initiative to increase environmental sustainability in the port city; encouraging residents and businesses to construct vertical and rooftop gardens.
The introduction next month of private sector certification of building projects is being hailed as a big opportunity for the industry. However there is concern about whether the building indu
The Housing Industry Association says 'lawlessness' is set to return to building sites after the Senate passed a bill to abolish Australia’s peak building industry watchdog last night.
OTAN Property Funds Management has big plans to grow its business, from $45 million under management to $300 million within the next 2.5 years; and Asian investment is expected to account for half
The state government plans to release land for 4,849 new dwellings across the Pilbara by 2015 to cater for increasing demand for housing in the region and to improve affordability.