The state government has launched a major initiative aimed at tackling the lack of hotel investment and development in Western Australia, including the release of Crown land and lease incentives.
IS it fair for people who own more desirable real estate to pay extra for underground power because they benefit more appreciably from the resulting increase in value?
Construction company Diploma Group has won two new contracts worth a combined $24 million, including refurbishments and additions to heritage-listed Hale House.
The state government is seeking comment on its plans for the Cockburn Coast just south of Fremantle, which feature a hospitality and tourism precinct at the derelict South Fremantle Power Station a
A real estate scam that led to two Perth houses being sold without the owners' knowledge has prompted the state government to toughen house sale rules.
A FEDERAL government employee superannuation fund is understood to be circling SAS Trustee Corporation’s half share in the blue-chip QV1 office tower in Perth’s sought-after CBD.
National retail chain Baby Bunting has set its sights on Perth’s competitive baby-wear sector after revealing plans to open its first two Western Australian stores before Christmas.
Property statistics released today revealed a mixed bag for the sector, with the total value of home sales plunging over the last financial year, despite a fifth consecutive month of rises in home
FOR the first time in eight years, homebuilder BGC has lost its grasp on the top ranking in the Housing Industry Association’s annual homebuilders report.
EMCO Building director John Ripp says Western Australia’s construction industry is facing some of the toughest times ever, with recovery not expected until mid next year.
FLEDGLING advisory and investment outfit Sirona Capital has forged a partnership with embattled property developer Luke Saraceni after buying two of his properties for its real estate investment bu
ALTERNATIVE building material business MasterWall is tackling Western Australian’s preference for brick and tile homes with its polystyrene cladding technology.
AFTER a period of post-GFC consolidation, Perth’s top real estate agents are looking to expand their footprint in the local market when positive sentiment returns across the board.
BLACKBURNE Property Group managing director Paul Blackburne has completely restructured his business since he won a WA Business News 40under40 award in 2005.
Keen demand for commercial space in central Perth is driving a surge in office redesign and fit-out work, attracting new players to the Western Australian market and creating opportunities for esta
A MOVE to nationalise the licensing of residential real estate agents has drawn wide criticism from the local sector amid fears new, national regulations could water-down training and professional
The evolution of Northbridge has led to a changing of the guard when it comes to the focal point of the inner-city entertainment neighbourhood, according to local property experts.
Perth’s residential property market remains in the doldrums as sellers start to pull their properties off the market, the median house price continues to decline and an increasing number OF people
RODERICK and Kathleen McKay’s successful Supreme Court bid to increase the compensation payment for the mandatory acquisition of their Ravenswood farm by Main Roads and the WA Planning Commission h
Building and construction company Northerly Group has been appointed to develop a $12.3 million housing project for the City of Perth, in Goderich Street East Perth.
WESTERN Australian projects have fared poorly in total funding from the latest round of the federal government’s Green Building Fund, announced last month.
Developer Cedar Woods has called for greater state government investment in basic infrastructure to avoid projected shortfalls in new housing stock and sharp rises in property prices in the next ni
A SHORT supply of big retail spaces in the CBD is hampering plans by two of Europe’s top fashion chains to set up shop in Perth and reap the benefits of the state’s long-term economic outlook.
Perth’s pressure-cooker office market is driving the development of a number of smaller projects on the edge of the CBD as city tenants seek space to consolidate their operations and take advantage
PERTH’S listed property players are upbeat in their outlook for 2012 even if investor sentiment and an anaemic residential market continue to weigh on their performance.
A WELL-KNOWN Perth family is understood to be the new owner of a significant swathe of Oxford Street after paying $9.5 million for four of Leederville’s most high-profile shopfronts.
PERTH Waterfront Taskforce chair Stuart Hicks is pitting his alliance-building skills against Fremantle’s thorniest planning issues after taking on the chair of the newly formed Fremantle Union.
LOCAL developers have cautiously welcomed a push to simplify the environmental approvals process for the Perth and Peel regions, so long as it doesn’t push up the cost of housing.
THE City of Perth has unveiled a plan to revitalise the Gasworks Building and its surrounding precinct on Wellington Street, with the creation of an artistic hub for the fashion and photographic in
Planning Minister John Day says the state government is considering mandating more local government involvement in its plan to establish a redevelopment authority to oversee the entire metropolitan
DEVELOPERS along the Scarborough beachfront received a bit of good news last week when the City of Stirling gave the green light to a $53 million revamp of the precinct.