Former Compass Hotel Group chief executive Bryan Northcote has been charged with three counts relating to the breach of directors duties and submitting false and misleading documents to the Austral
Five Western Australia-based homebuilders have been ranked among the nation’s top 20, with Summit Homes and Pindan making their debut in the top echelon of housing construction.
The owner of the one40william office and retail building in central Perth, which has struggled to attact shoppers and retain tenants, has unveiled a new vision focused on the development of an ‘urb
Land developer Avon Estates has launched its first major industrial development, with land at its Intersect 2020 estate near Pinjarra coming on to the market this month.
Property syndicator and developer Primewest has put the building at 619 Murray Street in West Perth up for sale, with agents at Colliers International expecting the boutique office asset to pull in
Aspen Group says it is planning to sell out of its residential and commercial development divisions as a result of an ongoing review of operations, while also unveiling a $101.4 million capital rai
The development industry has congratulated the state government for achieving $118 million worth of sales since launching an affordable housing initiative in September last year.
Bankwest has joined the ‘free-form’ office revolution, with the launch this week of a technology-driven activity-based office as it settles into its new premises at Raine Square.
THE state government has moved to rezone more than 100 hectares of land near Mandurah for residential development but developers say this just adds to the big queue of lots in the area held up by k
A HUB to service the oil and gas industry may result from the development of 430 hectares of industrial land in South Bullsbrook after the state government announced a planning amendment which incl
Bankwest has had a win in its long-running battle with prominent property developer Luke Saraceni over Raine Square, with the Supreme Court today backing the appointment of administrators over the
The number of first homebuyers in Western Australia’s residential property market hit its highest level in nearly three years in August, new research says.
The state government has made an amendment to the metropolitan planning scheme to facilitate the development of a 429 hectare tract of land in Bullsbrook for industrial purposes.
The City of Fremantle says Myer’s announcement that it will close its port city store early next year provides clarity for the proposed redevelopment of King’s Square.
The state government has moved to re-zone more than 100 hectares of land near Mandurah for future residential development, but industry has given the plan a mixed reaction, saying there are already
Property developers FJM Property and Ascot Capital have formed a joint venture to develop a 2.3-hectare site in Innaloo, next door to the site where Georgiou Capital is about to start construction
Property giant Mirvac and mining magnate Nathan Tinkler will return to court next week to continue their stoush over a multi-million-dollar agreement to buy industrial land for a new coal terminal
Property developer Diploma Group has been asked to explain the circumstances surrounding its $25.5 million net loss for the 12 months ending June 30, which was announced late last week.
The state government is seeking developers to deliver a 400-room riverfront hotel and residential tower on the first land made available at Elizabeth Quay (see video fly-through).
CONCERNS over new housing availability in Western Australia have grown after recent ABS figures revealed private sector housing approvals dropped 4 per cent last month, and have been on a downward
THE Scarborough beachfront was the site this week for the signing of a tourism promotion and the unveiling of a hotel upgrade, but the long-awaited redevelopment of the area is still some time off.
Perth hotel rooms experienced the largest jump in occupancy and room rates in Australia in the first half of 2012, with lodging prices rising to 21 per cent above the national average, new research
Troubled developer Port Bouvard has appointed Azure Capital to assess its strategic options in the wake of a loss of $103.5 million for the 12 months ended June 30.
Federal Housing and Homelessness Minister Brendan O'Connor has ruled out changes to negative gearing for property owners in the face of a housing affordability crisis.
Australia’s largest property developer, Stockland, has confirmed it has sold 45 St Georges Terrace for less than what it paid for the building in 2006.
Global property developer Lend Lease has forecast higher earnings after unveiling a near two per cent rise in net profit for its 2012/13 financial year.
Construction on new homes and units has slumped to its lowest level in a decade, prompting fresh calls from Australia's housing industry for governments to do more to support the struggling sector.
Apartments developer Finbar Group has delivered a sixth consecutive year of earnings growth, lodging a $28.3 million net profit for the year ended June 30.