THE WA Local Government Association's new headquarters currently under construction is one of the first developments in West Leederville ahead of an expected rezoning of the eastern end of the sub
HOMEBUYERS in Western Australia remain generally positive in their outlook for the market, despite a recent Real Estate Institute of Western Australia report showing sales turnover and property lis
A REPORT released by accounting firm Grant Thornton has found that a customer’s relationship and track record with their bank is key to securing funding in the current risk-averse environment.
The latest snapshot of Perth’s real estate market shows that property prices have remained flat while sales activity and property listings have fallen.
The contentious development of Smiths Beach near Yallingup has taken another twist, with the owners of the 40.5 hectare site putting the land on the market.
A CONSORTIUM of private investors has kicked off construction of a Perth CBD office building without pre-committed tenants, punting on the continuing strength of the market.
THE state government has made its first overtures to the market in the search for 35,000 square metres of office space in the City of Stirling, predominantly to house the Department of Commerce.
Property developer Stockland says earnings will fall by at least 10 per cent in the 2012/13 financial year because of the severely weakened housing market.
The state government is seeking proposals to develop up to 35,000 square metres of office space in the City of Stirling to house the Department of Commerce.
Affordable housing developer Nicheliving has opened its first London office, which will act as a hub for UK residents looking to migrate to Western Australia or invest in the housing market.
MOSMANS Restaurant has hit the market, with agents from CBRE expecting the well-known eatery to attract significant interest in Western Australia and overseas.
Three of Australia’s most expensive 25 suburbs are in Western Australia, but if you're after bragging rights over how expensive your home is, Sydney is the place to be.
Western Australian property industry bodies say the fourth consecutive month of building approval growth and a burgeoning first homebuyer market are promising signs for the future of the local sect
The state and federal governments have joined forces to make it easier for raw building materials suppliers south of Perth to access their product, which is increasing costs for developers in the a
THE industrial land market in Western Australia has been characterised by consistently strong demand for most of the past decade, which has been good news for investors and developers who bought la
Woolworths is spinning off its $1.4 billion shopping centres portfolio in a move that is expected to free up cash to help fight its price war with rival Coles.
Australian new home sales hit a 15-year low in August, with transactions for new dwellings in Western Australia dragging the nation down with a 9.4 per cent plunge.
FIVE Western Australia-based homebuilders have been ranked among the nation’s top 20, with Summit Homes and Pindan making their debut in the top echelon of housing construction.
LISTED property developer Peet has sold a $28 million parcel of land next to its recently promoted Yanchep Golf Estate development to the Department of Housing, in what appears to be part of an ann
Ric Stowe’s sprawling Devereaux Farm in Bullsbrook is back on the market, with Jones Lang LaSalle and Garland International appointed by PPB Advisory to sell the property by tender.
Commercial property agents are expecting a burst of sales activity for suburban shopping centres, after a private Singaporean investor picked up the Altone Park Shopping Centre in Beechboro for $15
Property developer Luke Saraceni has been ordered by the Supreme Court to transfer $1.3 million into a bank account held with Bankwest in the latest fallout from the Raine Square saga.
Skyrocketing population growth in Western Australia will add more pressure on new home building and result in further tightening in the state’s rental market.