Crown Limited and the state government have struck an agreement that is expected to result in the development of a new 500-room luxury hotel at the Burswood Entertainment Complex and a substantial
PLANNED investment in Port Hedland’s inner precinct has topped $500 million and more cash is likely to be injected as the state government investigates options for expanding the port.
The state government has selected Finbar as the preferred company to develop a $300 million apartment complex overlooking Port Hedland’s Spoilbank Marina.
New home sales in Western Australia are showing determined resilience, the Housing Industry Association says, bouncing back in June by 23.5 per cent following a disappointing monthly result in May.
The latest survey of the property and construction industry has told tales of sagging sentiment when it comes to staffing level expectations and forward work but the availability of debt finance is
The state government has announced it is expanding its office consolidation plan to the regions, with Mandurah, Busselton and Northam the first locales outside the metropolitan area to be included
Construction and property development firm Diploma Group has announced a $44 million contract win with Rio Tinto, to build a 244-person camp at Paraburdoo.
The central bank may be content to sit on the sidelines and not rush in with any further interest rate cuts for now, but newly released housing data is a stark reminder that not all sections of the
Perth was the standout capital city performer for land sales over the March quarter, with transactions increasing by 22.9 per cent, but the Housing Industry Association has warned that sales are ti
More than $300 million in residential building projects have been delayed by the introduction of new legislation covering Western Australia’s building industry, a peak industry group says.
Traditional shopping centres will feel the squeeze over the next decade as shoppers demand more attractive experiences and increasingly move online, a property report shows.
PROPERTY developer Danny Murphy expects to see his landmark project Ellenbrook back in the news as Western Australia moves towards a state election and bickering begins again about a promised railw
Western Australia’s building and construction industry has launched a new campaign to push for regulatory changes, saying residential development in the state has been stifled by more than just a “
The joint financiers of Raine Square have launched further legal action against Luke Saraceni, alleging misleading conduct over the use of proceeds from the sale of a stake in a residential develop
Perth-based Automotive Holdings Group has sold five dealership sites to officially create its property syndicate; but will invest $6 million itself to finalise the sale.
The cities of Greater Geraldton and Mandurah will use multimillion dollar grants from the federal government to back local infrastructure projects, as part of the plan to support housing developmen
Lend Lease shares increased by more than five per cent after the company announced that it expects to post a modest rise in operating profit for its 2011/12 financial year.
Interest rates cuts are having a positive effect on the housing market, new research says, with median home values rising across nearly all capital cities, including a 2 per cent jump in Perth.
New home sales declined in Western Australia by 4.7 per cent in May, but the Housing Industry Association says conditions are right for the sector to bounce back by the end of the year.