Perth’s residential land market is emerging from a substantial and extended downturn, with lot production expected to peak at more than 13,000 lots in 2014-2015, new research says.
Transportable housing manufacturer Fleetwood Corporation has warned of a weaker result in financial year 2013, the result of soft trading conditions in all of its key markets.
Serviced office provider Servcorp has secured a floor in the recently opened Brookfield Place, after striking a deal to sub-lease space not taken up by accounting firm PwC.
The $30 million Yanchep Central Shopping Centre was opened today by Premier Colin Barnett, the first major commercial development in a decade for an area which is expected to be home to nearly 150,
Energy giant Shell is set to become an anchor tenant at Leighton Properties’ Kings Square development on the former Perth Entertainment Centre site, with construction set to start early next year.
FORMER Peppermint Grove deputy shire president and local property developer Peter Bacich has been declared bankrupt in the wake of a number of his companies going into liquidation.*
The Lakeside Joondalup shopping centre is set for a $300 million revamp, with Lend Lease contracted to design and construct a 25,000 square metre expansion which will make it the largest retail dev
The state government has committed $28 million to fix seaweed build-up and beach erosion at Port Geographe near Busselton, after the developers, including Luke Saraceni, Axiom Properties and Macqua
Amid rumours that a Chinese property conglomerate has won the right to develop land in the second stage of the Ord River expansion in the Kimberley, Premier Colin Barnett says he will not reveal wh
Hardware giant Bunnings has announced it will invest $135 million dollars in network expansion in Western Australia, at the opening of its new store in Armadale today.
PROPERTY developer Ascot Capital and the Western Australian Cricket Association have started marketing the first stage of a major residential project at the WACA ground.
Property prices are showing signs of life but there will be no repeat of a 1990s-style housing boom, a senior Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) analyst says.
A BIG Murray Street site previously earmarked for Luke Saraceni’s stalled $300 million office development is subject to fresh plans for a $130 million double-tower office and residential project.
There are 44 suburbs in Western Australia where it is cheaper to buy a house than rent one, but only six of those locales are in the metropolitan area, new research says.
A highly innovative redesign and refit of public toilets opposite the Art Gallery has won Subiaco firm Conglio Ainsworth Architects one of the top prizes at the 2012 Institute of Architecture natio
The outlook for the state's housing construction market has improved, but the expected pick-up is coming off a very low base and affordability remains a problem for households on modest incomes.
THREE major shopping centre expansion projects are set to proceed in Perth during the next year, following AMP Capital’s move to full ownership of Garden City in Booragoon.
A review of local government in metropolitan Perth has called for a reduction in the number of councils from 30 to 12 and the introduction of compulsory voting in local council elections.
The state government has passed amendments to its building legislation introduced earlier this year, saying the changes will minimise delays and cut unnecessary red tape in the approvals process.
Plans are in motion for a $350 to $400 million redevelopment of Booragoon’s Garden City shopping centre, after a complex multi-million dollar ownership swap between Westfield and AMP Capital.