Housing industry experts have predicted Western Australia’s property turnover will return to its long-term average in 2013 but warned the rental market would remain tight, and called on the state g
APARTMENT developer Finbar Group and land developer Cedar Woods Properties have foreshadowed strong half-year profit results, continuing their lead over their listed property company peers.
The state government has committed to spend $70 million upgrading the beachfront at Scarborough and realigning the coastal road near Leighton and Port beaches.
The Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority and the Department of Housing will collaborate on a series of new housing projects in a bid to add to the state's affordable housing supply.
Perth has defied a national downturn in residential land sales, recording a 12 per cent increase in sales in the metropolitan region for the September quarter.
Property developer Adrian Fini is among a group of investors who have acquired the Sebel Hotel in Mandurah , five months after his old company Mirvac Group sold the property.
LEIGHTON Properties has stolen a march on rival developers, including Brookfield Properties, aiming to start work on Perth’s next large office buildings.
Centro Retail shareholders have overwhelmingly agreed to change the shopping centre company's name to Federation Centres as it attempts to put past problems behind it.
Perth-based apartment developer Finbar Group has forecast an after-tax profit of about $14 million for the half year to December 2012 and reaffirmed its expectation of a record full-year result.
An Osborne Park-based construction company has been awarded more than $31 million in contracts by the state government for work at two new primary schools.
Increased first home buyer activity and a lift in turnover of higher priced properties have bolstered Perth’s median house price, which rose 3 per cent in the December quarter.
The state of the Perth rental market has been muddied, with two sets of research showing a small increase in rental rates for houses but producing conflicting results for apartments.
Leighton Properties is close to locking in plans for a second office tower in its Kings Square development in central Perth, with WA health insurer HBF in talks to buy one of the proposed buildings
WESTERN Australia’s high overseas migration rates, ageing population, and shortage of skilled workers have been identified as major planning challenges in the government’s new State Planning Strate
Less than 10 per cent of jobs Boral will slash will come from Western Australia as the building products maker targets reduced costs and increasing competitiveness in a company-wide restructure.
The state government is expected to raise $10 million from the sale of a 1,500 square metre parcel of prime riverfront land at the edge of the heritage-listed Sunset Hospital site in Dalkeith.
WA building approvals dipped in November but the national rise, coupled with other more positive global signs, should give the central bank the confidence to leave interest rates on hold in Februar
Retirement property group Ingenia Communities has expanded its presence in the Peel region, announcing the off-market purchase of a 44-unit rental village in Mandurah for $2.8 million.
First home buyers who jointly purchase a property with a private company are still eligible for the state government’s First Home Owners Grant, in light of a ruling by the State Administrative Trib
The Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle will be “freshened” through minor renovations as property syndicator and developer Primewest is set to officially become the owner of the iconic building tomorrow.
Apartments developer Finbar is preparing expanded plans for the Springs Rivervale redevelopment area, after acquiring three vacant sites for $9.35 million.