Town of Cambridge mayor Simon Withers says the impact of Development Assessment Panels would be improved if developers could choose whether to use them or go straight to local councils.
Falling residential listings in the metropolitan area and strong population growth are putting upwards pressure on Perth house prices, new research says.
The slowdown in the property market means that home owners in Perth are holding onto their houses for an average of 8.2 years, nearly two-and-a-half years longer than used to be the norm.
The housing construction sector started 2013 on the back foot and is showing no sign of the pick-up the Reserve Bank of Australia wants for the industry.
Construction company Diploma Group has reported a net profit of just $73,000 for the half year to December 2012 as it seeks to recover from substantial losses in its development business last finan
Land developer Peet has reported a net profit of $1.2 million for the half year to December 2012, and foreshadowed better results in the second half of the financial year and in future years.
Apartment development firm Finbar Group says it is on track to exceed its record full-year profit from 2012 after it lodged a $14.07 million net profit for the six months to December 31.
Developer Cedar Woods Properties expects a record profit this year after the Western Australian housing market underpinned a big jump in first half earnings.
Property developer and fund manager Aspen Group says its review of operations is on track despite the company recording a statutory loss of $18.3 million for the half-year to December 31.
Shopping mall group Federation Centres is back in the black, six months after settling a major class action, and expects a supermarket price war to underpin growth.
The Pilbara housing market and the South West unit market were two of the strongest regional property sectors over the past year, a report released today has found.
THE City of Fremantle will hold an international design competition to appease the concerns of local residents over the architectural style of the planned $220 million redevelopment of Kings Square
A Perth couple with a struggling coffee franchise has learnt a tough business lesson after they took legal action that involved property developer Finbar Group, listed engineering company Monadelph
Mark McGowan has committed to expand Henderson’s Australian Marine Complex into one of the nation’s largest technology parks if Labor is successful in next month’s state election.
West Australian Labor has shifted its election campaign focus to the state's urban planning system, promising to ease bottlenecks and advance progress at stalled local developments.