Investment Group Sirona Capital plans to expand its property footprint in Fremantle beyond the $300 million Kings Square redevelopment and position itself to benefit from the long-awaited commercia
Apartment developer Finbar Group is reassessing plans for a $175 million, 31-storey residential tower on Adelaide Terrace after being told it could not demolish a heritage-listed former ABC buildin
The Reserve Bank of Australia may not have cut the cash rate at its June meeting but has indicated it is prepared to cut further even though the Australian dollar is falling.
Lend Lease shares have slumped more than eight per cent after the company revealed it will undergo a major restructure as the construction sector softens.
The $2 billion Fiona Stanley Hospital will open in October 2014, half a year later than originally scheduled, a delay the state government has blamed on the scale and complexity of the project’s in
The long-vacant May Holman Centre is poised to undergo a $100 million transformation after owner Golden Group this week secured an anchor tenant for the St Georges Terrace office tower.
A major survey of Perth housing preferences has revealed the traditional three-bedroom, double-brick house remains the aim for many aspiring homebuyers, but most would compromise in exchange for af
Home building approvals had a big rise in April, a sign that last year's series of Reserve Bank of Australia interest rate cuts are helping the sector.
Peet chairman Tony Lennon has lifted his interest in the land development company to 21.4 per cent after participating in a special placement tied to its takeover of east coast property company CIC
Experienced Perth property executive Evan Campbell has jumped on board an emerging north-west homes builder, hoping to help it capitalise on a still-buoyant market in the resources region.
Mirvac will pay $231 million for Perth CBD tower Allendale Square, part of a $584 million portfolio grab by the real estate development and investment company.
Western Australia's property market continues to outperform other capitals, with the state leading the way in a slight rise in Australian house prices in the first three months of 2013.
Boral says a downturn in demand for brick and masonry in Western Australia has contributed to falling earnings, leading the building products supplier to look to cut costs across its operations.
Low-income earners' prospects of finding affordable housing in Western Australia continue to decline, with Perth's median rent price up 16 per cent from 2012.
Perth’s housing recovery has hit a stumbling block, with prices dropping in April and new home sales declining in March, but analysts are describing the falls as a temporary blip.