Has signed a Framework Agreement with one of the largest state-owned enterprises in China’s steel industry, covering Midwest’s two major projects, the Weld Range Haematite project and the Koolanooka M
Former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Allan Fels to deliver the Reid Oration 2005, for the Institute of Advanced Studies and the Institute of Public Administration Australia (
Exploration Targeting (CET) at the University of Western Australia.
Dr McCuaig has been an adjunct research fellow of UWA since 1998 and is currently a director of SRK Consulting.
Currently ranked fourth on the WA Business News Book of Lists Architects List, Oldfield Knott Architects, established in 1974, is well recognised for hospitality (specialising in licensed premises), e
Equity Trust (Labuan) Sdn Bhd & Zentar Securities Ltd increased its relevant interest from 68,403,500 ordinary shares (15.14%) to 86,978,610 ordinary shares (16.90%).
STEEL building product manufacturer JV Global has announced the acquisition of the equipment, inventories and technology associated with the manufacture of Besta Interlocking Bricks.
KPMG Forensic partner Gary Gill, to speak on Fraud Control and Prevention in the Public Sector for the Institute of Public Administration Australia (WA Division), July 20 at the Novotel Langley Hotel.
Chemaf sprl has initiated proceedings in the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Lubumbashi (Court) against Société Minière Kolwezi sprl (SMK), Emiko sprl and Anvil Mining Congo SARL.
A community group’s failed Supreme Court challenge against listed developer Australand and the State Government has raised questions about actions taken by incorporated associatio
SIPA Resources has announced it has sold its Mount Olympus gold treatment plant in the Ashburton region of Western Australia for $2.5 million and signed an exploration alliance with Newmont Exploratio
Committee of Creditors approved the acceptance of a cash offer of $3million from Minara Resources Ltd for Sons of Gwalia’s interest in the Non Gold Projects - Eulaminna Tenements east of Leonora, Cog