Proposed code: WNI
Issue price: $0.20
Principal activities: nickel exploration
Corporate: Peter Briggs (chairman); Dean Goodwin (director); Raymond Muskett (director); George Lee (director).
Steve Wood has been appointed as chairman of the Perth Hockey Stadium Council. Mr Wood has had a long involvement in hockey as a player and administrator.
THE May balance of payments revealed a record $2.9 billion deficit in Australia, due partly to production decreases in Western Australia, this week 10 years ago.
BIOMEDICAL services developer Visiomed Group has announced that its opthalmic imaging system microEYE, developed in conjunction with Alternative Investment Market-listed CustomVis, has begun a clinica
Construction of 1 x 4 bedroom single detached house & 3 townhouses, Harvey
Tradesman Homes $573,810
Construction of 1 x 4 bedroom single detached house, Donnybrook
Tradesman Homes $189,400
PORT Hedland Aboriginal street patrollers will have their skills upgraded as part of a $400,000 partnership between the State Government and mining giant BHP Billiton Iron Ore.
Istanbul Municipal Council has issued the renewal of the advertising permits in relation to the Lumacom installations atop of the Marmara Hotel in Taksim Square, Istanbul, Turkey.
Private placements have been completed, following receipt of gross proceeds of approximately $3.015 million and the issue of 6.7 million fully paid ordinary shares at a price of 45 cents per share
Former IBM vice-president (global strategy) Nicholas Coutts to present an event in the Future Paradigms Series for the Australia – Israel Chamber of Commerce, July 21 at the Hyatt Regency Perth.
HOME entertainment company Quickflix made a belated debut on the Australian Stock Exchange this week, listing at a 25 per cent discount to its offer price of 20 cents.
INTERNATIONAL Goldfields (IGL) has been granted three new mining leases, at the company’s wholly-owned Evanston project, located 150 kilometres north of Southern Cross in the Goldfields.