Company and its bid partner Oracle Corporation Australia have confirmed contracts for the supply of corporate services business systems to the Government of Western Australia.
The 2005 Western Australian Engineering Awards have seen the biggest response in the history of the event, with 43 entries (29 projects) across all 11 categories.
PERTH’S architectural heritage received a major boost this week with the announcement of two initiatives designed to retain the city’s heritage among the infrastructure development currently under way
Business website solutions company Itomic has welcomed Robin Julius to its team. Mr Julius recently completed a computer science degree at Edith Cowan University.
Has reached agreement with Sally Malay Exploration Pty Ltd to allow Sally Malay to farm-in to Navigators 100% owned Wills Creek project in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia.
Has taken up the offers for two exploration permits, covering the one billion tonne Kingston coal deposit in the south east of South Australia, issued by the Department of Primary Industries and Resou
The science of wine has just moved up a level, with recently multi-awarded Margaret River winery Watershed joining forces with Curtin University of Technology to get to the bottom of a good bottle.
JUBILEE Mines has announced its intention to proceed with the development of a new underground decline in order to extend the life of its Cosmos nickel operation, 50 kilometres north of Leinster.
Bemax Resources NL has changed its registered office and contact details to:
Level 14, 133 Mary Street
Ph: (07) 3210 7900, Fax: (07) 3210 7999
Has reached agreement with Société Generale Australia to fully and unconditionally underwrite any shortfall arising from the exercise of 38.02 million options in the share capital of the Company due t
Dual listings on foreign exchanges by Western Australian-based juniors with an international focus are increasing in popularity, according to a recent Geoscience Australia report.
LOCAL risk management consultancy firm Farsands will fully acquire its 67 per cent-owned subsidiary APP (WA), which is involved in project, property and events management.
Caconda Pty Ltd, Kalgoorlie Mine Management Pty Ltd, James John del Piano decreased his relevant interest from 9,894,083 ordinary shares (16.86%) to 6,702,603 ordinary shares (10.67%).
Has exercised an option over Leviathan’s 50% interest in the Coolgardie Gold Joint Venture assets. The exercise price of $250,000 in cash was paid and $100,000 in Austminex shares were allotted.
The new rules will allow a loan from a private company to a shareholder (or their associate), to be repaid or put on a commercial footing before the earlier of the due date for lodgement or lodgement