Steve Wood has been appointed as chairman of the Perth Hockey Stadium Council. Mr Wood has had a long involvement in hockey as a player and administrator.
LOCAL nanotechnology company pSivida has announced the release of the six-month results of its Phase II (a) trials of the BrachySil liver cancer therapy, allowing it to enter the next phase of dosing
ELECTRONIC sign technology maker Lumacom has advised the Australian Stock Exchange it may seek to modify a heads of agreement with Turkish billboard advertising company Global Medya Pazarlama.
Bayeux Investments Pty Ltd And Robert James De Crespigny increased its relevant interest from 13,605,427 ordinary shares (5.8414%) 16,885,470 to ordinary shares (7.248%)
Has agreed terms for the acquisition of the forestry-related assets of the Ausron Ltd group. The Company will fund the acquisition price of $14 million from existing facilities.
This fact sheet explains how taxpayers who have chosen to pay an annual PAYG instalment can meet their obligation.
Published: Jun 23 2005
PERTH-BASED junior Mount Grace Gold Mining expected maiden gold production by the middle of 1996 after acquiring a number of tenements near Nullagine in the Pilbara region of WA.
Author and social researcher Hugh Mackay to speak at two business events for the Australian Institute of Management and Wesley Mission Perth, Friday July 8 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Wesley Church
HOME entertainment company Quickflix made a belated debut on the Australian Stock Exchange this week, listing at a 25 per cent discount to its offer price of 20 cents.
Accounting Practice
Price $450,000
Professional practice located in Broome, potential for expansion.
Garry Manners 9481 4422
Goodwin Mitchell O’Hehir
Price $250,000
Has received confirmation from the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines that the Minister has signed the Right to NegotiateAgreement covering the grant of ATP 794P.
Has agreed to place 17.6 million ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.09 per share to a group of iron ore industry participants and sophisticated investors to raise $1,584,000.
LexisNexis’ Contracts 2005 will be held from July 20 to 22 at the Hyatt Regency Perth. The two-day conference addresses a wide range of contract law information.
Mel Ashton has retired from chartered accountants and business reconstruction specialists PPB to take over one-on-one business mentoring program Mentoring Services for Business (MS4B).