Proposed code: LAD
Issue price: $0.20
Principal activities: Diamond exploration.
Corporate: Send Fai Chan (chairman); Ross Kestel (non-executive director); John Terpu (non-executive director).
Has agreed to enter into an earn-in agreement to acquire 90 per cent of the gold rights in the Yerilla project from Minara Resources Ltd by spending $400,000 within three years.
Avoca Resources Ltd
General Meeting will be held at the Celtic Club Inc, 48 Ord Street, West Perth 6005 at 10am on Monday, 25 th July 2005.
Fast Scout Ltd
Former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Allan Fels to deliver the Reid Oration 2005, for the Institute of Advanced Studies and the Institute of Public Administration Australia (
HENRY Walker Eltin has become the second failed company in the past fortnight, following Sons of Gwalia, to confirm that shareholders will not recover any of their money.
DIAMOND miner Striker Resources has completed set-up of a second diamond processing plant to process a tailings stockpile at its wholly-owned Merlin diamond project in the Northern Territory.
THE WA Interactive Virtual Environments Centre (iVEC) has announced that American company Silicon Graphics Inc will provide it with an Altix supercomputer.
Has entered into a farm-in joint venture agreement with West Africa Gold Exploration (Namibia) P/L (WAGE), in respect to the mineral rights on the Husab EPL 3138 located in Namibia.
KPMG Forensic partner Gary Gill, to speak on Fraud Control and Prevention in the Public Sector for the Institute of Public Administration Australia (WA Division), July 20 at the Novotel Langley Hotel.
Those whose appetites are tickled by the tantalising taste of truffles can find the delicacies in specially prepared dishes at Star Anise, The Loose Box, Jackson’s and The Gala Restaurant.
Project delivery organisation Sinclair Knight Merz has appointed Philip Morgan as its new infrastructure manager in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
A community group’s failed Supreme Court challenge against listed developer Australand and the State Government has raised questions about actions taken by incorporated associatio
SIPA Resources has announced it has sold its Mount Olympus gold treatment plant in the Ashburton region of Western Australia for $2.5 million and signed an exploration alliance with Newmont Exploratio