Has entered into a conditional agreement with Turon Gold Pty Ltd and its shareholders to purchase 100% of the issued capital of Turon Gold for 50,000,000 ordinary shares in Black Range.
Has agreed to make a sophisticated investor placement of up to 4.0 million shares at $0.27 each to clients of Paterson Securities Ltd and Foster Stockbroking.
KPMG Forensic partner Gary Gill, to speak on Fraud Control and Prevention in the Public Sector for the Institute of Public Administration Australia (WA Division), July 20 at the Novotel Langley Hotel.
Brandrill Limited has changed its registered office and principal place of business to:
27 Quill Way, HENDERSON WA 6166
Ph: (08) 9494 6500; Fax: (08) 9494 6501
If you have an interest in a foreign investment fund or foreign life policy, this guide explains how foreign investment funds legislation affects you. NAT 2130-6.2005.
The Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce (WACCC) is holding a course on developing successful business with China on July 29 at their offices in West Perth.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australian (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of
BHP’s insurers were facing an expensive clean-up bill after one of its bulk carriers ran aground spilling 400 tonnes of fuel oil on the northern Tasmanian coast.
"A class action lawsuit was commenced against the company, its Chief Executive Officer, Mark Wellesley-Wood, and Chief Financial Officer, Ian Louis Murray.
Announced new orders to the value of approximately $8.5 million in respect of mining equipment orders and site contract works at the Newcrest Telfer Project.
KPMG has appointed three new partners: Andrea Hall in the internal audit services practice, Graham Hogg as an audit partner, and Matt Kelly in the transaction services practice.
Falkland Islands authorities have granted a two year extension to the licence totaling approximately 33,500 square kilometres to the south and east of the Falkland Islands.
This schedule forms part of the company tax return for companies reporting dividend and interest payments paid or credited in the year ending 30 June 2005. NAT 8030-6.2005.