Colliers International has been appointed to manage two new facilities for the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research which will hold a combined value of $200 million when they open next year.
Perth's office sublease space has increased by more than 70 per cent since the start of the year but supply is likely to have reached its peak, according to the latest research from CBRE.
The head of the Reserve Bank of Australia says house prices aren't rising too fast but has warned buyers not to over-extend themselves when taking out a home loan.
Nomad Building Solutions has placed its Queensland operations on ice and appointed a new chief executive, having earlier moved to wind down its Western Australian-based regional housing and commercial modular building businesses.
Four of Perth’s iconic sporting and community venues are going through major planning and redevelopment projects – but that’s where the similarities end.
Property group PBD Developments will tap the market for $41.8 million as it looks to reduce its existing debt facilities and pursue new development projects.
Jaxon Construction has won contracts for an apartment project in central Perth and a community centre in Cockburn, taking its new contract wins for the quarter to $78 million.
Property developer Paul Blackburne is finalising plans for a major apartment development in Swanbourne, after completing the purchase of a site on Alfred Road.
Fremantle Ports is hoping to revive the stalled $350 million revamp of Victoria Quay, part of nearly $1 billion of proposed new developments in the City of Fremantle.
New figures show that 12 per cent of homes sold in the three months ending June were sold for less than their purchase price, incurring a total loss of more than $500 million.
KBR is believed to have committed to office space in the third tower at Leighton Properties’ Kings Square project alongside one of its key clients, Shell.
The institutional buy-up of Western Australia’s shopping centres continued this week when one of Australia’s best performing sub-regional centres, Bunbury Forum, was sold for $143 million to Challenger Life.
The Barnett government is understood to have picked a winner for the first two lots at Elizabeth Quay, pushing the button for the second land sale at the 10-hectare riverside precinct.
The average house price in Perth fell by about $14,000 in the September quarter, and rental prices have also eased, the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia says.
Australian capital city house values hit a record high in September, with Sydney and Melbourne leading the charge while Perth's house values fell slightly.
Australia needs to build many more houses and apartments if it wants to put the brakes on price rises and improve affordability, according to one of the country's top bankers.
ALDI’s imminent arrival in WA and continuing competition between the retail majors has sidelined many retail developers who just can’t pay the big prices Coles and Woolworths will shell out for new sites.
The arrival of a clutch of new international brands in coming years has the potential to rejuvenate the city retail sector, which has been hit by softer spending and the extended shopping hours at suburban centres.