New hotel developments in Perth and Fremantle will add up to 2,500 rooms during the next five years, with this number potentially growing to more than 4,000 if several proposed projects go ahead.
The Environmental Protection Authority has rejected a bid to rezone land in Port Hedland which LandCorp had earmarked for its proposed $152 million Spoilbank Marina development.
Property investor and developer Aspen Group says it is likely to post a half-year loss of up to $72 million on the back of impairments on a number of its assets, including the Septimus Roe office tower in central Perth.
The head of property developer Stockland says there is no housing price bubble and Australia remains a cheap place to achieve the dream of home ownership.
SPECIAL REPORT: The state government’s efforts to boost housing affordability have resulted in an increase in diversity of housing options for those buying their first home, with developers saying Perth is coming of age as a modern city.
SPECIAL REPORT: Despite the state government’s best efforts, developers say bureaucracy is the main barrier to getting land to market in a timely fashion.
SPECIAL REPORT: Perth’s northern and southern fringes remain the hotbeds for residential land development, but short-term supply issues have hit the industry's ability to keep pace with a surge in demand.
Construction and development firm Diploma Group has been fined by the corporate watchdog for failing to comply with its continuous disclosure obligations.
Boutique development firm QUBE Property Group says the recent approval of a $20.5 million, seven-storey apartment project in West Leederville is a firm endorsement of the state government’s development assessment panels.
Owners of older office buildings in central Perth are struggling to find tenants, with the latest Office Market Report showing a widening gap between premium buildings and the rest of the market.
Perth has overtaken Sydney to record the most expensive residential land value per square metre of all major capital cities, fuelling concerns that land supply is not keeping up with market demand.
West Leederville is becoming a development hot spot, with Finbar Group entering a joint venture for a $90 million apartment project located near three new commercial buildings.
Western Australia's new home building sector rebounded from a slump in 2012 to record the highest number of private housing approvals since the property boom in 2006, according to new data.
Allegations the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union used coercion to prevent workers getting on site at a new children's hospital in Perth will be tested in court.
Potential home buyers have had a slight reprieve from high property prices in Perth with home values dropping slightly during the past month, new research says.
Investor confidence and demand for business premises will generate opportunities in the property sector in 2014, but it won’t be in the traditional high transaction area of office leasing.
New home sales in Western Australia increased by 11 per cent in 2013 but housing experts say construction levels still haven't caught up with pent-up demand.
SPECIAL REPORT: More national and international conventions are choosing to come to Perth, adding a boost to tourism and industry and catalysing a big change at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The granting of planning approval for a $400 million apartment project in Port Hedland has focused attention on environmental issues facing the Pilbara town.
Plans for a major industrial hub at Forrestdale are gathering momentum, with planning approvals granted and manufacturing giant Hitachi preparing to start construction on a new $100 million headquarters.
Leading property developer Nigel Satterley has hit back at claims the first home owners grant is a policy failure, arguing the grant has provided an ongoing boost to the Western Australian housing market.
Finbar Group has repositioned its stalled Port Hedland apartment project, announcing today that it has obtained ministerial approval to build more than 700 apartments in a 10-storey tower near the town centre.
More than 20,000 Western Australians bought their first home in 2013 in another sign of strengthening activity in WA's residential construction sector.
Apartment developer Finbar has issued half-year after tax profit guidance of about $19 million, a figure that represents a $5 million increase on the previous corresponding period.