Joondalup is at the cutting edge of the global digital revolution. The City has encouraged investment and growth in digital skills over many years to become the home for cyber security and digital innovation in Perth.

With competitive office rents, quality infrastructure and attractive lifestyle, Joondalup is a great place for digitally focused companies to base their workforces.
In Joondalup, everything starts with innovation, and the City is committed to helping the digital sector thrive in Perth’s north.
A magnet for innovation
In 2017 ECU Joondalup was chosen as the site of the WA government’s first Innovation Hub – a centre of excellence for developing new technologies.
- The Innovation Hub is housed inside a new $48 million science facility that was recently completed within the ECU Joondalup campus.
- A dedicated space (3,600sqm) within the five-storey building is being provided to engage ECU scientists and students within the Cyber Security industry, with Joondalup based cyber business Sapien Cyber relocating its operations to the new building.
- The Innovation Hub is home to the well-funded Cyber
Security Cooperative Research Centre (CRC).
- The Hub has also become one of only two designated Academic Centres of Cyber Security Excellence in Australia with strong ongoing financial support.
- The Innovation Hub hosts the WA AustCyber Innovation Hub, which leads the way for creating new skills and technologies to boost cyber security.
Dr. Ian Martinus from the WA AustCyber Innovation Hub says Joondalup is fertile ground for Australia’s digital industries.
“Developing talented students in Joondalup is a great way to grow Australia’s local cyber security workforce and to showcase the highly developed skill sets that graduates in WA possess in this specialist field,” he says.
“Joondalup is a very supportive place for the WA AustCyber Innovation Hub and its work, and we expect to see great benefits flowing to the community and local businesses.”
Meanwhile, North Metropolitan TAFE in Joondalup offers a number of cyber security focused courses, including an Advanced Diploma of Network Security.
These cyber training opportunities are firmly established, and sit alongside efforts by the Joondalup campus of ECU to expand cyber’s footprint in the City.
Other leading institutes in the City include the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) whose campus in Joondalup accommodates 750 apprentices. They are also set to expand their WA course offerings.
The availability of high speed Internet and the predicted growth of Perth’s northern corridor underpinned the decision to build the new campus in the City.
Joondalup supports digital innovation
By encouraging innovation through its support of the Innovation Hub at ECU, Joondalup is leading the way for the community to become a magnet for international investment and business growth.
- Joondalup is a member of the Australian Smart Communities Association (ASCA), and has been active in implementing Digital and Smart Cities initiatives, such as the use of drones and sensors to monitor the Yellagonga Regional Park.
- The City has also been supportive of Cyber Check.Me, a cyber security initiative developed by the ECU Security Research Institute (ECUSRI) in partnership with the Cities of Wanneroo and Joondalup, North Metropolitan TAFE and AustCyber.
- The City is the co-sponsor of the Joondalup Innovation Challenge, in partnership with StudyPerth, Frank Team, ECU, North Metropolitan TAFE, UWA, Curtin, Joondalup Business Assocation and Spacecubed, a virtual employability program.