Garden Gurus is a vertically integrated and specialised garden communications company, producing a range of products including TV, newspapers, books, radio program and consultants on improving all aspects of gardening. Mr Cochrane has developed the brand in all its important facets, focusing on what gives it uniqueness and appeal. This has come from the vertical integration of the product range, ensuring that everything communicated to the market about the brand is a consistent and compelling message. The Garden Guru juggernaut began as a company producing the very popular series Gardening WA on Channel Nine in 2003. The Garden Gurus newspaper was launched 12 months later with seasonal gardening news and colourful pages, attracting an estimated 84,000 readers per edition. Other company seedlings include two of WA’s all-time best selling gardening books, Gardening Western Australia and The Garden Gurus Guide to Waterwise Gardening. The Garden Gurus also hold signature events and exhibitions and lead PR campaigns for the Water Corporation.