Mark Anderson has worked in the community sector for over 35 years, including 10 years in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of WA with the majority of his work in rural and remote communities where he worked in partnership with Aboriginal people. Mr Anderson has been involved in developing and building organisations from the ground up, raising capital and implementing major multi-million dollar projects. He was instrumental in establishing one of the leading social enterprises in Western Australia, and has also established a research and evaluation centre to measure its social impact. Mr Anderson’s most significant business achievement was the major role he played in the revitalisation of Fairbridge Village from a decaying and unprofitable site to a vibrant, multi-functional, award-winning heritage village and enterprise. He was instrumental in introducing the Fairbridge Pathways Program in 2002 which supports 1500 young people each year at risk, with a disability, or struggling to achieve. Fairbridge is now endorsed as a registered training organisation. In 2005, Fairbridge won a Prime Minister’s Employer of the Year award for excellence in employing people with disabilities. Mr Anderson started at Fairbridge as a development officer, having previously been manager of Kununurra Youth Services. He is a member of several State and National bodies involving youth, community and economic development. He is also involved in national, state and regional boards including as chair for the State Youth Affairs Council of WA, Lotterywest Gordon Reid Foundation Board, ABC National Advisory Council, and as a member of the judging panel on the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership Awards. In January 2017, Mr Anderson became the chief executive & director of FISH - Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health.