Years of experience in the transport sector stood Heather Jones in good stead when she decided to establish Success Transport in 2004. To some, Ms Jones’ move out on her own was seen as a huge gamble, as she had to mortgage her family home to buy her first trucks. But she had done her homework, many times over, to ensure the new business would stay on the road. Before establishing Success Ms Jones worked with a large transport contractor, beginning as a relief driver and working her way up to transport manager, overseeing a significant increase in turnover along the way. Success provides high quality and timely transport services to a wide range of industries, from mining and farming to shipping. It has not been a smooth ride for Ms Jones, as she must contend with lasting prejudice on a daily basis. Without question, Ms Jones knows her business, having been in the transport game for more than 20 years. Her reputation was further strengthened when she was named WA Transport Woman of the Year 2005.