Chris Brennan-Jones is an audiologist and researcher focused on improving outcomes for children with otitis media (glue ear) and hearing loss. He is team leader of the Ear Health research team at Telethon Kids Institute, a senior paediatric audiologist at Perth Children's Hospital and a clinical senior lecturer within the Division of Paediatrics at the University of Western Australia.
Dr Brennan-Jones completed his PhD on the role of telehealth in improving access to hearing services and was awarded the WA Premier’s Student Scientist of the Year Award in 2016 for this work. He has previously been a Visiting Fellow to the UK Cochrane Centre at the University of Oxford and is leading suite of Cochrane reviews on interventions to treat chronic otitis media funded by the NHMRC CRE for Ear and Hearing Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (CRE_ICHEAR).