From the prime minister to mining leaders, the resignation of Mark McGowan has drawn broad praise for the outgoing premier’s leadership during his six years at the helm of WA.
The state government has flagged reforms to tenancy laws in a bid to balance the rights between tenants and landlords, including banning rent bidding and allowing pets.
More than 1,000 building complaints were lodged in the past financial year, attracting criticism from the opposition but defended by a WA government department.
Oryx Communities has pushed for another time extension for its four-storey Nedlands facility, citing the withdrawal of its builder PS Structures as the main reason.
Disability services provider Rocky Bay will move into a three-storey Belmont hub after a development assessment panel unanimously approved its $78 million proposal.
The state's peak planning body has approved a $25 million Tawarri Hot Springs project, more than a year after the state government overruled City of Nedlands’ control of the Dalkeith land.
Hundreds of freight and transport service workers will move into a former detention centre site, that covers 3.23 hectares of land, and free up properties for rent in Port Hedland.
Long-time Tsunami restaurant owner Brett Carboni has succeeded in getting approval to redevelop his Mosman Park building into an apartment and eateries development.
Demand for industrial properties continues to grow with more than $20 million worth of developments and nearly 25,000 square metres of warehouse and storage area green-lit today.
A “mindbogglingly big” warehouse will join Hesperia’s 75-hectare Roe Highway Logistics Park after a development panel unanimously approved the $22 million proposal.
Saracen Properties has received approval for a proposed $85 million East Fremantle project and a time extension to find a builder amid the constrained construction market.
Broader praise for Western Australia's ‘ironclad budget’ has been accompanied by industry calls to build the state's investment appeal and diversify the economy.
A move to extend the price cap for apartments eligible for stamp duty rebate is expected to cost the state government $33 million, as part of a $750 million package to boost housing.
The rent assistance limit has been increased to help more than one million Australian households, which is expected to cost the federal government $2.7 billion over five years.
Perth’s mortgage delinquency rates have more than tripled for new homeowners this year and rents have risen by 13 per cent, the highest of all the capital cities.