Andrew and Nicola Forrest-led Tattarang has acquired prime Sydney land for more than $500 million, with plans to construct Australia’s first Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
Sydney-based steakhouse 6HEAD has committed to a 10-year lease at Brookfield Properties' One the Esplanade development, being the first hospitality tenant to sign up.
Housing Minister John Carey has doubled down on his call for industry to provide more affordable housing, as the state’s housing supply shortage worsens.
Australian Unity has bought two childcare centres for a combined $13.5 million, including one of the single largest childcare centre transactions in the state.
Andrew Forrest’s private company is expected to proceed with the redevelopment of the East Perth Power Station, after Kerry Stokes’ Australian Capital Equity backed out.
A proposed apartment complex at the former Ford Motors and Matilda Bay brewery site has been revised after a panel was unable to decide on its fate last year.
As many as 300 Western Australians could fall behind on mortgage payments for each 25 basis point rise in interest rates. Click through for Perth’s mortgage map.
A $25 million revamp of the Captain Stirling Hotel site in Nedlands, including a multi-storey supermarket, has been given the green light after more than two years in limbo.
A $792 million expansion of Westfield Booragoon, which would make it the state’s largest shopping centre, has been approved by WA’s peak planning body.
Collapsed builder Jaxon Construction is suing a Subiaco-based engineer for alleged negligence they claim led to severe cracking in a slab during construction of the Enclave Apartments in East Perth.
Developer Webb & Brown-Neaves has succeeded in setting up a display house in Dalkeith after being entangled with the City of Nedlands in the State Administrative Tribunal.
WA's predicted population rise has raised both concerns and expectations in the housing market, consulting firm Urbis and Property Council of Australia say.
The real estate fund manager says its absorption of Primewest has helped buoy its funds under management to a record $21.1 billion in its recent half-year results.
Australia’s new home builds in 2022-23 are forecast to drop more than 16 per cent below the 200,000 houses per annum needed to meet the nation’s dwelling targets.
GDI Property Group has snapped up two South Hedland properties for $27 million, acquiring a combined accommodation of nearly 250 rooms with a potential expansion.
IP Generation has acquired AMP Capital’s half stake in a Rockingham shopping centre for $180 million, with Vicinity Centres retaining the other 50 per cent as co-owner.
The Supreme Court has struck down a move for parties to produce and inspect the ballot papers relating to the WA Trotting Association’s multi-million-dollar Gloucester Park land sale to Hesperia.