Perth home values continue to rise in the past month with the median house price recorded as more than $570,000, according to recent reports by property groups.
The state government will invest $511 million to tackle the housing crisis as part of the upcoming Western Australian budget, including building 700 new homes.
Ventura Homes backtracked on a promise to complete construction of a new house just weeks after a SAT battle over delays to the building was scratched.
A short-term tourist development in South Hedland has cleared a planning hurdle and joins the list of projects aiming to provide more accommodation options in the Pilbara.
Property players have joined forces to deliver more targeted advocacy, with the Town of Cambridge first up in the group's sights over a policy that limits interaction between developers and staff.
ASX-listed property development company Ultima United has gone into liquidation less than a month after telling the market it would be seeking legal representation to stop the process.
A nine-storey development in Como has been approved, with the developer proposing to build more than 100 apartments to offer affordable accommodation amid Perth's housing crisis.
The number of houses in the construction stage in Western Australia has hit a record high, with 21,524 buyers waiting for completion of their new homes.
Former Charter Hall leader Matt Brunsdon will head JLL’s logistics and industrial sector team following the exit of several members to Cushman & Wakefield.
The rate of median house price growth in Perth over the past two decades has been ranked the lowest out of other Australian capital cities, a research report shows.