Cyrenian House will refurbish a vacant and graffitied office building in Perth into a drug treatment centre after a panel approved its multi-million-dollar proposal in a tense meeting.
A multi-storey commercial centre has been approved after a four-hour meeting despite concerns from Dalkeith residents, including Kerry Stokes’ right-hand man Brian O’Donnell.
Short-term accommodation owners in Western Australia will be offered a $10,000 incentive to rent their properties to long-term tenants to boost housing supply.
The Humich family and the City of Fremantle are in the middle of lease negotiations to turn the former South Fremantle landfill site into a car park extension.
A developer will turn a rundown West Perth site into a $107 million hotel and apartment complex after receiving unanimous support from an assessment panel.
A commercial development of up to four storeys could occupy a 2,935 square metre lot next to Claremont station as part of a major DevelopmentWA redevelopment.
Western Australian projects and developers have been recognised at a state industry awards, including Adrian Fini being named Property Leader of the Year.
Housing and Planning Minister John Carey has defended building single dwellings amid a push for infill, saying some higher-density projects are just not viable in Perth.
Sharemarket‑listed real estate investment vehicle Healthco Healthcare & Wellness REIT has made its first foray into the Perth market, settling on the Mount Hospital for $147 million.
More than half of new land purchasers in Western Australia during the recent quarter were investors, according to Urban Development Institute of Australia WA.
A development assessment panel has approved an accommodation plan to house Kalgoorlie-Boulder workers, in its third meeting over the $6.5 million proposal.
Facility operator Compass Group plans to add hundreds of rooms in a $79 million expansion of a Port Hedland accommodation, to house workers of BHP’s port debottlenecking project.
Little Creatures founder Nic Trimboli and Adrian Fini, of Fini Group, have submitted an $8 million proposal to redevelop a heritage asset into a mixed residential and office building.
Perron Group has maintained its standing as one of WA’s most profitable private companies despite making substantial write-downs in the value of its expansive property portfolio.
Real estate group Dexus is searching for a new chief executive following the resignation of Darren Steinberg, who will step down from the role next year.
A development assessment panel has greenlit Fini Group’s application to build a hotel and restaurant in the Margaret River town centre, estimated to cost $8.5 million.
Established Perth builder Simsai Construction Group allegedly owes almost $3.5 million to the tax office which is pursuing legal action to wind up the company.