Sentinel has submitted an application to build its fourth project in Subiaco’s Fine China Precinct, a $65 million build-to-rent development of up to six storeys.
The family behind collapsed building firm Diploma Group has emerged as the developer of a seaside apartment complex in Carnarvon, the first in the north-west town.
A proposal to add a swimming pool and pavilion to the late Alan Bond’s Dalkeith mansion has caused planners and lawyers to lock horns at a Nedlands council meeting.
Property industry groups have backed the state government’s raft of planning reforms, including the medium-density code policy, which was reworked after receiving mixed reviews.
Property developer Ricky Hirsch’s building company FTD Construction has collapsed following a series of complaints and its registration being stripped last year.
Playing fields will be created on the site once mooted for a $1 billion apartment project, following the state government’s determination that the land was not suitable for development.
A Claremont-based entity has launched legal action against Dale Alcock Homes over allegations of "significant defects" on the construction of an apartment project.
The Shire of Esperance is the latest council to join a mounting list of regional towns putting their hand out to the WA government to help fund workers housing projects.
Bunnings warehouses landlord BWP Trust has flagged a merger with Newmark Property in a $250 million deal set to create an 84-asset portfolio worth $3.5 billion.
The developer behind an approved apartment building in Nedlands has resubmitted the proposal to add extra height and dwellings, taking the estimated cost to $16 million.
Developers of a 35-room motel in the heart of Western Australia’s gourmet food province have been asked to addressing parking concerns before getting council approval.
Business partners Adrian Fini and Nic Trimboli’s multi-million-dollar proposal to redevelop a Fremantle heritage asset has been approved by a development panel.
Stockland has received unanimous support from an assessment panel for its $122.2 million complex south-east of Perth, set to be the its first WA lifestyle community with a land lease model.
FTD Construction founder Ricky Hirsch has launched legal action against a couple of his company's investors, who he claims made derogatory remarks on social media.