Elizabeth Quay could one day host a venue on the water, with the state government seeking expressions of interest in a second floating venue to be built and run on the Swan River.
Jarra Property has revised its multi-million-dollar neighbourhood centre proposal after a development assessment panel refused it over concerns of potential benzene exposure.
Residential builder Opus Homes has been hit with a wind-up bid from unhappy customers following a dispute over their North Coogee home, which needs to be demolished.
The rate of building approvals in Western Australia dipped while the national average grew, according to recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The Bremer Bay Resort and the historic Freemasons Hotel in Geraldton are among the half a dozen country pubs and motels poised to change hands after hitting the property market.
The operator of an accommodation village has applied for a $19 million expansion of its facility in anticipation of the $2 billion worth of projects proposed for Collie.
Treasurer Rita Saffioti is confident a $10 million government loan package designed to free up hundreds of WA homes “stranded” in the building process will not interrupt the housing market.
One of the state’s biggest landowners Allen Caratti has had a minor win in court as a judge found the allegations against him “confusing” and “difficult to follow”.
Western Australian insurer RAC’s $70 million plan to build a resort at Coral Bay is one step closer to fruition after a development panel green lit the proposal.
The Town of Claremont has proposed a string of conditions to the Western Australian Planning Commission for a projected approval of a $65 million development.
The $440 million South Perth tower is about six months away from completion, but a state government policy means buyers are being taxed ahead of settlement.
An Albany real estate agent has been fined after telling a homeowner she could live in a mud brick dwelling deemed uninhabitable by the local government authorities.
The proposed class action lawsuit against Perth builder BGC is set to commence in the new year with thousands of delay hampered homeowners having registered.
The building industry will be required to undertake mandatory inspections of high-rise apartments and commercial buildings from 2026, in the most significant industry reform in more than a decade.