The city’s house prices continue rise faster than other Australian jurisdictions, with an 8.8 per cent increase for the year and 1.3 per cent monthly rise.
Some of the state government-owned beachfront accommodation units on Rottnest Island will be refurbished as part of the island authority’s new five-year management plan.
Two Northbridge properties are proposed to be sold via public auction after a falling out among the three sisters who owned them, a court document shows.
GDI Property Group has received approval to build a 19-storey residential and office building on the multi-level carpark site at the corner of Pier and Wellington Streets.
Construction industry long service leave liability increased more than 17 per cent in WA last financial year, as strong building activity pushed the registered workforce past 123,000 people.
A $12 million apartment block has been approved for a vacant site along Canning Highway that has been described as an "eyesore", next to the Metro Hotel in South Perth.
Two Perth homeowners have taken lavish property developer Ricky Hirsch’s company FTD Construction to the State Administrative Tribunal over building delays.
Allen Caratti has succeeded in preventing Hotchkin Hanly from representing his opponent in court, claiming the law firm had previously acted for him and former partner Tina Bazzo.
The previous owner of Blackburne’s City Beach property is taking his former lawyers to court, alleging a breach of duty occurred during deal negotiations over the western suburb asset.
A $350 million development, proposed to be the tallest timber tower in the world, will have to clear a planning hurdle after the City of South Perth recommended it be refused.
The Building Services Board has refused to renew FTD Construction’s registration after the industry watchdog raised concerns about the Perth property developer.