Cocos Islands residents have never been consulted about basing American surveillance drones on the Australian territory and were recently assured no military base would be set up there, a local bus
Labor leader Mark McGowan has proudly claimed underdog status in next year's state election but denied unpopular Prime Minister Julia Gillard is a millstone around the party's neck.
Former Reserve Bank of Australia board member Solomon Lew has called for an immediate, hefty official interest rate cut while accusing the central bank of being out of touch.
Treasurer Wayne Swan believes a growing number of people agree with the sentiments in his recent essay that attacked "vested interest" and in particular three billionaire mining magnates.
Premier Colin Barnett has denied he is "obsessed" with industrialising the Kimberley, following a new move by his government to compulsorily acquire land for a $30 billion gas hub there.
The federal coalition says Labor is going to cut the diesel fuel rebate for miners in the May budget as part of a "cash grab" aimed at protecting the government's surplus.
A clash is looming at an Aboriginal "tent embassy" in Perth after the police commissioner urged the city council to order the protesters off a public reserve.
The mining industry has lashed out at suggestions the federal government is considering a cut to the diesel fuel tax rebate to prop up its budget, saying a further reduction was the equivalent of i
The Australian Greens and Labor are in a stand-off over corporate tax cuts linked to the minerals resource rent tax (MRRT) passed by parliament this week.
Foreign Minister Bob Carr has described as "recklessly irresponsible" Clive Palmer's claim that the CIA is sponsoring green groups in a bid to wreck the Australian economy.
The state government should not waste taxpayers' money by joining a court challenge against the federal government's mining tax if there's no reasonable chance of success, state Opposition Leader M
UnionsWA secretary Simone McGurk and former television journalist Reece Whitby are among 33 WA Labor Party candidates announced last night who will stand for Lower House seats at the 2013 state ele
The Reserve Bank of Australia believes the nation's booming mining industry is balancing out weakness in other parts of the economy, suggesting there was no need to cut interest rates.
Fortescue Metals Group is seeking legal advice on plans to challenge the federal government's new mining tax in the High Court, though the company has conceded there is no certainty it will pr
Shareholders will be hit with double taxation on dividends from miners if the federal government's mining tax legislation is passed, Australia's biggest and oldest listed investment company says.
The opposition has taken Treasurer Wayne Swan to task for insisting that Australia's 2.7 million small businesses will benefit from a planned cut in the company tax rate.
The number of scams reported to Australia's consumer watchdog almost doubled last year, with financial losses from the rorts totalling more than $85 million.
Federal MP Don Randall says he has wide support within the state Liberal Party for his attack on the state's police minister Rob Johnson and his call for him to be dumped.
Western Australia’s key industry group has predicted further strengthening in the Western Australian economy over 2012, after a sustained period of patchy conditions and global economic uncertainty
Putting more information on business loans and financing into the public arena would help turn the spotlight on the struggles of small businesses, the coalition says.