The mining tax will fund family payments and not company tax cuts under Treasurer Wayne Swan's plan to bring the budget back to surplus, and redistribute the wealth of Australia's Asia-fuelled reso
Premier Colin Barnett should leave the proponents of the $30 billion-plus Browse gas hub to make their own decisions and stop upsetting investors, the Labor opposition says.
Liberal leader Tony Abbott is unlikely to ensure Western Australia gets a better deal out of the GST carve-up after backflipping on his previous stance in favour of a per capita dist
Poorer than expected growth from China reduced the market capitalisation of Western Australian listed companies by 2.8 percent in April, according to new research released today.
The federal government insists there will be a floor price when the carbon tax transforms into an emissions trading scheme in mid-2015, despite independent MP Rob Oakeshott suggesting he could try
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is warning the opposition will need to make "incredible" cutbacks to government services if it does not back spending cuts in Tuesday's budget.
Fortescue Metals Group founder Andrew Forrest expects his company will pay "little or no" minerals resource rent tax when it comes into effect from July 1.
Never-ending resource demand from China and permanent public support for action on climate change are two of the things former prime minister John Howard warned should not be assumed when he addres
Premier Colin Barnett says if the distribution of the GST revenue is not fairly shared between the states, the bigger states will take the matter into their own hands.
Labor frontbencher Martin Ferguson has urged the embattled party to stop its in-fighting, move on from the leadership spill and focus on next Tuesday's budget.
A peak accounting body says the federal government should continue to target weaker parts of the local economy rather than its "commendable" aim to return the budget to surplus.
Mining companies are so desperate for workers some are throwing their selection criteria in the bin and spending money on training raw recruits, the Department of Treasury has found.
Fortescue boss Andrew Forrest has accused Treasurer Wayne Swan of lying about the amount of revenue the federal government will get from its mining tax.
Controversial Queensland mining magnate Clive Palmer doesn't think he'd have to "give up anything" if he stands against Treasurer Wayne Swan at the next federal election.
Billionaire mining magnate Andrew Forrest has celebrated his Australian Employment Covenant (AEC) finding 10,000 jobs for Aboriginal people by taking a swipe at the federal government's record on i
Western Australia’s peak business body has backed a new report that has called for a drastic reduction in the number of local councils in the metropolitan area, saying it provides clear evidence th
Unrest over Prime Minister Julia Gillard's handling of the Peter Slipper saga has Labor backbenchers revisiting the leadership question, but ministers have come to her defence.
Finance Minister Penny Wong says returning the budget to surplus is more than just an accounting exercise, it is good economic management for the future.