Treasurer Wayne Swan insists Peter Slipper's decision to stand down as Speaker won't impact on the federal government's ability to deliver a tough budget.
Premier Colin Barnett says an interim report on the way GST revenues are distributed recognises the system is "broken" and has been unfair to Western Australia.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has the room it needs to cut interest rates in May following the release of weaker than expected inflation data, economists say.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says Australia's economy remains strong, as inflation data due for release on Tuesday could trigger an interest rate cut next week.
Western Australian Treasurer Christian Porter has welcomed an interim report on the carve-up of GST revenue, which has flagged changes to a system Mr Porter says is broken and in need of reform.
A report confirming Western Australia's strong economic performance is a signal to Premier Colin Barnett to reverse plans for budget cuts that will hit frontline services, the state oppos
International Monetary Fund members have vowed to secure global financial stability to allow urgently needed reforms and regain worldwide economic growth.
The chances of official interest rate cut next month have improved with figures showing imported consumer goods have fallen to the cheapest level in two decades.
The federal government has accused Premier Colin Barnett of a cash grab over his refusal to quarantine a pension increase from public housing rent assessments.
Andrew Forrest has stepped up his battle with the federal government over the mining tax by releasing details of a compromise package he says was negotiated with former prime minister Kevin Rudd.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has seized on comments Prime Minister Julia Gillard will make linking a budget surplus to lower interest rates, describing them as an admission of failure.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is defending the Labor government's determination to deliver a 2012/13 budget surplus, but she can't guarantee the federal coffers won't swing back to deficit in later
Finance Minister Penny Wong has taken Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to task over his claim that the local economy is underperforming, saying he's "simply wrong".
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has challenged state Treasurer Christian Porter to step down if he can't balance his state's books with $800 million less GST revenue.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has accused mining magnate Andrew Forrest of peddling "rehashed old nonsense" about finalising an agreement with Kevin Rudd on a revised mining tax deal in 2010.
Funding cuts to the state Department of Corrective Services will put the community further at risk because prisons are already overcrowded, the Prison Officers' Union says.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says the government remains determined to deliver a surplus and has rejected comments from former Commonwealth Bank head Ralph Norris that such a goal is "mindless".
Western Australia should get its full share of the infrastructure funding due to come out of the federal government's mining tax revenue, state Opposition Leader Mark McGowan says.
A leading business group has urged the Australian Greens to take a more centrist line when it comes to industrial relations and set aside their "anti-market platform".
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says another downgrade of Australia's economic growth rate by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows the local economy is "underperforming".
Fortescue Metals Group founder Andrew Forrest says the government needs to build a deeper relationship with China otherwise Australia risks losing opportunities with the Asian superpower.
State government agencies and trading enterprises will be required to cut spending and freeze their staff numbers after the state blamed cuts in GST grants for a tough budget outlook.