Industry has given a lukewarm response to the state budget, with the property sector disappointed, tourism still looking for boosts for struggling regions, while miners were concerned over a lack o
The state government has announced plans to put $1.1 billion of Royalties for Regions money into a Future Fund, despite pressure from business groups, which argued the government should focus on th
The state government has reshaped its capital works program, with more money to be spent on social infrastructure in the city, including a new museum, but less on regional hospitals, ports and road
The creation of a $1.1 billion Future Fund, a major shift in capital works priorities, tax breaks for small business and a slim surplus are the major features of the state government budget announc
Treasurer Wayne Swan does not perceive a need to update budget forecasts because of recent events in Europe, saying Treasury has already accounted for a bleak outlook.
Small businesses have emerged winners in Western Australia's budget to be handed down later today, with the government unveiling a $128 million payroll tax rebate.
A public sector union will be checking the West Australian government's 2012/13 budget for signs that services may be compromised because of a planned cutback to government agencies.
Treasury boss Martin Parkinson has argued the case for bringing the federal budget back to surplus, saying it is happening in a much healthier economic environment than in many other advanced econo
A drop in the Australian currency below parity with the US dollar and a recent cut in domestic interest rates will help manufacturers, the Australian Industry Group says.
The state government has dismissed a report claiming the state cannot afford a Norway-style sovereign wealth fund - just as it prepares to unveil its own.
Slowing economic growth, inflation, and interest rate hikes by commercial banks gave the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) the impetus to cut the cash rate in May.
Treasurer Wayne Swan will reassure business the federal government is still on the case to reform the tax system, despite ditching a promised cut in the corporate tax rate in last week's federal bu
Up to half of all new jobs created in the next few years will be in sectors related to the booming mining industry, the Reserve Bank of Australia says.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has promised the fiscal details of the its alternative budget will be revealed before the next election as he hits back on criticism his budget reply was short on deta
Western Australia continues to lead the nation in employment, with the creation of about 6,800 jobs in April pushing the state's jobless rate to a three-and-a-half-year low.
The Western Australian branch of the embattled Health Services Union has decided to look at withdrawing from the national organisation, saying it is strongly dismayed by abuse of mem
Western Australia's budget to be handed down next week will suffer from a sharper-than-expected cut in the state's GST revenue, Premier Colin Barnett says.
Australia remains vulnerable to macroeconomic headwinds and too reliant on the central bank to stimulate the economy, says former Liberal leader John Hewson.
Treasurer Wayne Swan says small business has been looked after in the federal budget despite the surprise decision to axe the promised cut to the company tax rate.
The latest federal budget could not have been worse for Western Australia, with the state losing more than $1 billion in government funding compared with 2011/12, the state government says.