Has signed an Exclusivity Agreement with the gasfield owners, PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Medco E&P which provides the Company with the exclusive right to 800 billion cubic feet of gas from the
THE Association of Consulting Engineers Australia has released results of a survey of its members into how skills shortages are affecting firms in the industry.
Anglican Homes delivers a diverse range of aged care, accommodation and community services. It aims to create an environment of comfort, security and support.
Anglican Homes Board of Management
Supreme Court of Western Australia has today given orders approving the Schemes of Arrangement passed by the Shareholders and Convertible Note holders regarding merger with Petra.
May 2005. The government has announced changes to the income tax law to restore the long standing principle of mutuality.
James Lawton, formerly marketing manager at the City of Stirling, City of Joondalup and Activ Foundation, has launched a new marketing and strategic planning company called ToolBox WA.
Credit Suisse First Boston Australia (Holdings) Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 9,997,042 ordinary shares (8.47%) to 7,703,697 ordinary shares (6.54%).
Has entered into a joint venture with Galaxy Resources Ltd to explore for high grade copper and gold mineralisation on tenements and tenement applications near Ravensthorpe, Western Australia.
On May 18 2005, the attorney-general released the Report of the Federal Privacy Commissioner, Getting in on the Act: The Review of the Private Sector Provisions of the Privacy Act 1988, which examined
Cape Range Wireless Limited has changed its address to:
Ground Floor, 28 Ord Street
Lowan Australia Limited has changed its registered office to:
29 Glendenning Road
Has received an indicative proposal from its 51.5% shareholder, Kumba Resources Ltd, whereby a wholly owned subsidiary of Kumba would acquire the outstanding minority shareholdings in Ticor for $1.70
Has filed Supreme Court proceedings against Thundelarra Exploration Ltd seeking certain declarations, specific performance and damages in relation to the Copernicus-Salk Joint Venture.
IN the largest cash takeover in Australian corporate history, BHP Billiton has made a successful 11th-hour play for WMC Resources, which built an empire on assets in Western Australia’s Kambalda nicke
LOCAL exploration drilling company Ausdrill has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, African Mining Services, has been provided with a letter of intent for drilling services at Newmont Mining’s