Former Deloitte marketing manager Judi Halliday has been appointed as a recruitment accounts management consultant at WA-based listed recruitment company Integrated Group.
THE Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has outlined its preliminary view regarding the proposed acqui-sition of Action Supermarkets by Woolworths, raising concerns it has with respect to c
Alphawest Ltd 26-Aug-05 Monteray Investment Management Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 3,010,000 ordinary shares (8.44%).
ARC Energy Ltd 1-Sep-05 Has entered into an agreement with APT Parmelia Pty Ltd to purchase the Dongara Processing Facility (“DPF”) for a purchase price of approximately $2.5M
Clough Ltd 1-Sep-05 Murray & Roberts will increase its interest in Clough through the placement by Clough of 30 million new shares to Murray & Roberts at 50 cents per share to raise A$15 milli
Meat Supplier $870,000 A supplier of beef, mutton, lamb and pork cuts to supermarkets, butchers, smallgoods shipping lines, limited restaurants as well as direct sales. Located in metropolitan area.
Conor Lagan and Ross Norgard have resigned as directors for Global Wine Ventures Limited. The company appointed Graham Keys as chairman and non-executive director.
Easton inquiry sparks nasty comments THE Marks Royal Commission into the Easton affair was shaping up as a political point scoring device for the Liberal Party both federally and in Western Australia,
A new Greenhouse and Energy Taskforce has been formed to advise the State Government on greenhouse policy as it applies to power stations.The taskforce will be headed by former Environmental Protectio
Arafura Resources NL 26-Aug-05 Will sell its Coronet Hill tenement holdings to Segue Resources Ltd for a cash payment of $50,000 and 500,000 vendor shares.
Western Australian-based floral mail-order company Flying Flowers was recently a finalist in the running for the Aust-ralian Government Micro Business Award at the 2005 Telstra National Small Business
Travel Agency - NoR - Coastal Zone Price $65,000 Large cruise and holiday market. Superb small shopping centre agency. Turnover $2.1 million. Barry Graham 9481 4422 Goodwin Mitchell O’Hehir
Gemstar Diamonds Proposed code: GEM Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: diamond exploration.Corporate: Monty House (chairman); Les Field (technical director); Anthony Short (non-executive directo
Oilex NL 25-Aug-05 Has agreed to farmin to acquire a further 30% interest in ATP 805P by funding an additional 60% of the drilling of the Donga-3 well.