AFT Corporation Limited has changed its registered office and principal place of business to: 2nd Floor, 45 Stirling Highway NEDLANDS WA 6009 PO Box 985 NEDLANDS WA 6909 Ph: (08) 9389 8799; Fax: (08)
Midland Brick and the Hills Community Support Group (HCSG) have received the WA State Award for the 2005 Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Community Partnerships in the large business category.
Recruitment Agency Price $399,000 Boutique employment agency specialising in ICT recruitment, offering contract and full-time placements. Established 10 years with a brilliant reputation.
IT is unfortunate your columnist Tim Treadgold didn’t bother to speak with anyone at Western Power for his article “Painful road ahead on power” (WA Business News, August 25).
International Goldfields has signed a conditional agreement to acquire the Cape Lambert iron ore project by purchasing the company with applications in the region, Mt Anketell, for $20 million.
Rockeby Biomed Ltd 04-Aug-05 Lim Chye Huat and Bobby Chye Huat became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 15,000,000 ordinary shares (5.938%).
Agincourt Resources Ltd 25-Aug-05 Has signed Heads of Agreement with Consolidated Minerals Ltd to acquire all of the issued capital in Reliance Minerals Ltd and Reliance Minerals do Brazil Ltda for a
Sherlock Bay Nickel Corporation Ltd Meeting of Convertible Note Holders will be held at 10am on 14 September 05 at The Parmelia Hilton Hotel, 14 Mill Street, Perth, Western Australia.
Arafura Resources NL 26-Aug-05 Will sell its Coronet Hill tenement holdings to Segue Resources Ltd for a cash payment of $50,000 and 500,000 vendor shares.
Western Australian-based floral mail-order company Flying Flowers was recently a finalist in the running for the Aust-ralian Government Micro Business Award at the 2005 Telstra National Small Business
Travel Agency - NoR - Coastal Zone Price $65,000 Large cruise and holiday market. Superb small shopping centre agency. Turnover $2.1 million. Barry Graham 9481 4422 Goodwin Mitchell O’Hehir
AUSTRALIA’S exports hit another high in July, growing $354 million, or 2 per cent, to $15 billion.Trade Minister Mark Vaile announced the results following the release of the ABS July International Tr
Gemstar Diamonds Proposed code: GEM Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: diamond exploration.Corporate: Monty House (chairman); Les Field (technical director); Anthony Short (non-executive directo