ARC Energy Ltd 1-Sep-05 The legal dispute between Midland Brick Company Pty Ltd and APT Parmelia Pty Ltd, formerly CMS Gas Transmission has been settled.
What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.” George Eliot, 1819-1880 English novelist, essayist, and editor, from Daniel Deronda “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Old testament, prove
THE Note loves it when WA companies win accolades, like exhibition and signage company The Factory – a Perth based company of 15 years that recently won two national awards.The Factory won awards for
The WA Pork Producers’ Association has appointed Cuballing producer Graeme Dent as president. Darren Edwards from Popanyinning was elected to the association’s executive.
DRDGOLD Limited has appointed John Sayers as finance director and chief financial officer, following the resignation of Ian Murray. Mr Murray will remain on the company’s board.
As one of Perth’s longest established architectural practices, Parry and Rosenthal Architects have a reputation built on professionalism, integrity, and design excellence.
Reward Minerals Ltd 29-Aug-05 Has obtained rights to acquire a 100% interest in a major portfolio of exploration tenements, regarded as highly prospective for Potash mineralisation.
Australian Ethanol Ltd 29-Aug-05 Has received commitments and acceptances for $1,030,000 through the placement of 4,120,000 ordinary shares at a share price of $0.25 to excluded persons
Manufacture Price $2.75m Perth based. World wide sales. Production will be ex-China from March 2006 which will halve present costs and make the product much more competitive in the export market.
A RECENT Auditor General’s report has found that the Public Transport Authority is fulfilling its contract management role of the New MetroRail City Section Project (Package F).The report found that,
Pitcher Partners has changed its address and contact details to: Level 17, 140 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 PO Box 791 CLOISTERS SQUARE WA 6850 Ph: (08) 9322 2022, Fax: (08) 9322 1262
Wentworth Mutual Limited has appointed Kingsley Lamont and Peter Brigdale as non-executive directors, following the resignation of David Armstrong and Jong Kan Foo
IMF Australia Ltd 29-Aug-05 JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its Affiliates increased its substantial shareholding from 7,450,000 ordinary shares (9.07%) to 9,400,000 ordinary shares (10.31%)
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd 26-Aug-05 JP Morgan Chase & Co & its Affliiates decreased its substantial shareholding from 24,390,690 ordinary shares (11.22%) to 16,351,641 ordinary shares
Investors should be encouraged by a recent Federal Court ruling in which Justice Susan Kiefel refused to reverse investors’ self-help actions after an investment scheme collapsed.
PERTH-BASED financial services dealer group Western Pacific has outlaid $2 million to acquire a 9 per cent shareholding in listed advisory firm Snowball Group.
Kings Minerals NL 26-Aug-05 Guina Developments Pty Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 21,154,300 ordinary shares (5.47%).
Terra Gold Mining Ltd 26-Aug-05 Emerson Exploration Australia Pty Ltd increased its substantial shareholding from 227,375,443 ordinary shares (53.98%) to 230,906,817 ordinary shares (56.24%)
Mount Gibson Iron Ltd 30-Aug-05 Has agreed to acquire 12.5 million shares in Asia Iron Holdings Ltd from Sinom Investments Ltd, at a cost of HK$1.50 per share, taking its holding to 78%.