Tap Oil Ltd 07-Sep-05 West LB Asset Management (Australia) Pty Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 7,941,458 ordinary shares (5.04%).
Moto Goldmines Ltd Extraordinary Meeting will be held at the offices of Lawson Lundell LLP, 1600 – 925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, on Wednesday, October 5, 2005 at 10 a.m.
REPAIRS to the North West Shelf’s fourth LNG train could cost the project’s joint venture participants up to $300 million in lost production, operator Woodside said.Mechanical problems at the plant ar
Organised business, in prominent location. History of solid profit, in a growth product industry and local market. Easy to run operations producing a variety of popular quality products.
Medical Corporation Australasia Ltd 06-Sep-05 Has entered into Shareholding Assignment Agreements with our joint venture partners in relation to the sale of its 45% share in Hangzhou AoYi Pollen Pharm
Respected Curtin University of Technology civil engineering Professor Vijay Rangan has been honoured by his international peers for his innovative work on geopolymer concrete.
WHY are salespeople great? What makes salespeople successful? What characteristics make up a sales superstar? Wouldn’t you like to know the answer to these questions? So would every salesperson.
Energy Metals Code: EME Issue price: $0.25 First day’s close: $0.865 Principal activities: uranium exploration.Corporate: Donald Kennedy (chairman); Lindsay Dudfield (executive director); Oscar Aamodt
Elemental Minerals Proposed code: ELM Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: gold and base metal exploration.Corporate: Simon Cato (chairman); Jeremy Whybrow (executive director); Graeme Kirke (non-
Korab Resources Ltd 31-Aug-05 Discovery Capital Pty Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 5,000,000 ordinary shares (11.1%).
Exco Resources NL 07-Sep-05 Is offering a non-renounceable entitlements issue to subscribe for one for every six shares held at a price of 15 cents per share to raise approximately $2,655,834 before c
Petra Diamonds Ltd 07-Sep-05 Has entered into a conditional agreement to acquire in a share-for-share transaction the entire issued share capital of Kalahari Diamonds Ltd.
United Group Ltd 08-Sep-05 United KFPW has won a 5 year contract to provide Westpac Banking Corporation with asset and lease management of their property portfolio.
THE State Government has revealed it will pay $160 million to establish a new multi-purpose indoor stadium, after knocking back three proposed designs for the arena.A 14,000-seat venue has been earmar
Price $40,000 PSAV Attractive business in fast growing Augusta. Main road, high profile location, a real treasure trove and would suit a couple looking for a sea change.
WESTERN Australia’s listed plantation timber companies have reported record profits on the back of stronger sales.Integrated Tree Cropping reported a record net profit of $24.5 million on sales revenu
Mirabela Nickel Ltd 09-Sep-05 Announced the grant of 7 exploration tenements for a total of 13,500 ha over the São Francisco Ni-Cu project in the state of Sergipe, Brazil.
Ausron Ltd 05-Sep-05 Finalised the land settlement under the heads of agreementwith ITC that was signed on 23rdJune 2005. Funds totaling $11,550,000 were banked.