Perth-based Gryphon Minerals Ltd has announced a private placement to raise $500,000 to be used in funding exploration at its Banfora gold project in West Africa.
Unemployment in Western Australia has dropped again, breaking new ground to settle below 4 per cent, leading today's statistics which show a national average of 5.1 per cent.
About 400 Western Australian investors with failed finance broker Graeme Grubb could receive up to 70 cents in the dollar after St George Bank reportedly agreed to pay almost $10 million to settle long running claims.
The flood of emerging iron ore juniors going to the market for funds has grown stronger with iron ore junior Aztec Resources Ltd announcing a $42.3 million rights issue to finance part of its Koolan Island project.
Leadership speculation, the case of former Reserve Bank board member Robert Gerard and a re-cap of the major issues currently before Parliament, were the subjects of an in-depth interview with the ABC's Fran Kelly this morning.
Online DVD rental company Quickflix Ltd has raised $400,000 in a placement of shares to institutional investor Cranport Pty Ltd to help fund its acquistion of competitor Homescreen.
Junior explorer Tanami Gold Ltd has bought Allied Gold Ltd's mobile gold processing plant for $2 million to advance its Coyote gold project in Western Australia.
Bone Medical Limited appointed Patrick J Mallon and Kenneth Lyles on an executive consulting basis. Mr Mallon joins Bone Medical as vice-president of operations. Mr.
Cash Flow Business $150,000 Onslow, WA Established business specialising in fuel, auto gas, bottled gas, fishing tackle, ice, bait, tyres, drinks, confectionary, and ice-creams.
Advise that 9,166,000 ordinary fully paid shares and 200,000 options (exercise price 20 cents) expiring 31 March 2006 in the Company will be released from escrow with effect from 5 December 2005.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of I
CSIRO, through its Division of Molecular and Health Technologies and Offspring Ventures, a subsidiary of QPSX Ltd, have entered into an arrangement to commercialize some of the Division’s ecdysone rec
The Company has made a placement of 98,500,000 fully paid ordinary shares at a price of 0.18 cents per share to raise $177,300 before costs of the issue.
Fabrication Design Building Business $670,000 WIWO Established 6 years. T/O $1.155m 2004/05. Situated in major country town, Moora - 170 kms north of Perth (main road frontage).
Announce the successful acquisition of Delvex Industrial Cleaning Pty Ltd based in Henderson, Western Australia for the total purchase price of $2,500,000.
46 WA organisations, representing over 1100 individual work units received awards for their safety achievements at the Annual IFAP/CGU Safe Way Awards presentations held recently at the Kings Park Fun