Despite some big corporate deals done this calendar year, the value of mergers and acquisitions in Australia appears to have fallen, according to research done by accounting firm KPMG.
Despite having the worst skills shortage in the nation, the number of apprentices and trainees in Western Australia has increased in contrast to the national trend.
Hit international children's entertainers the Wiggles have upstaged Western Australia's mining and meat sectors to take off the Australian Exporter of the Year Award.
Platinum Australia Ltd's shares are set to begin trading on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market. The AIM listing commences after shareholders ratified a $6 million deal to fund African developments.
Kalgoorlie-based Croesus Mining NL has announced rights issue to raise almost $9 million to fund an accelerated mine development and exploration program at its Norseman gold operations in Western Australia.
Perth biotechnology company pSivida has confirmed the creation of a new spin off, pSiNutria Ltd, a company it will seed with $1.5 million to focus on techology applying to the food industry.
Western Australian industrial Joyce Corporation Ltd has completed its exit from manufacturing, completing the sale of its foam business for $16 million to Indian company Sheela Foam Private Ltd.
The Australian stock market closed lower today, after finding it could not sustain the earlier momentum which sent the benchmark index past its previous closing high.
Bullion Minerals Ltd has revealed plans to spin off several gold exploration assets in an IPO of its newly registered subsidiary Chalice Gold Mines Ltd.
MANAGEMENT education is a field that seems to go regularly through changing fashions, but Perth company Carepoint is hoping that a new program it has developed will prove to be long lasting.
Proposed code: RIS Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: owner operator of bulk carrier vessels and provision of a wide range of services for the shipping industry.
Letter Agreement has been executed with Mithril Resources Ltd for a Joint Venture covering Integra’s South Australian Exploration Licence Applications in the Musgrave Province.
Chevron Australia’s 2005 FOCUS Environment photographic competition has attracted a record 546 entries giving a unique insight into what the environment means for today’s Western Australian school stu