The Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia has a new board with Kalgoorlie Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s president Kitty Prodonovich (pictured) elected president
Price $850,000 ps Villas located in town centre. Excellent retirement business or redevelopment opportunity. Irene Grove 9486 1000 Gunnink & Co Business Brokers.
Barclays Global Investors Australia Limited on behalf of the Barclays Group became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 13,187,678 ordinary shares (5.08%).
Have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd in relation to the long term sale of iron ore from the Shovelanna Iron Ore Project.
Animation Industry Group Graeme Hunt Tom Lubin Kate Vyvyan Mark Hutchison Tim Beeson Lisa Evans Paul Donnelly Ian Tregonning Graeme Watson Cheryl Wood A new screen industry association, aime
Price $149,000 Five days only. Unique operation. No pick-up or delivery. Netts husband/wife team $90,000pa. Excellent buying. Jan Gunnink 9486 1000 Gunnink & Co Business Brokers
Announce that agreement has been reached with Helix Resources Ltd for the purchase of the remaining 25% equity in the Highway Lateritic Nickel Project.
Have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd in relation to the long term sale of iron ore from the Shovelanna Iron Ore Project.
Announce the sale of its Automated Tank Cleaning Equipment for $500,000.00 plus a revenue sharing arrangement for work introduced by TOX and undertaken by the equipment over the next 3 years.
J & A Berens Panel Beaters $750,000 Freehold Leasehold Smash repair business established in 1969 for sale or lease by original owners seeking to retire.
Proposed code: CPT Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: home trader. Corporate: Mark Freeman (non-executive chairman); John Day (managing director); Jason Davis (executive director).
Following shareholder approval for the issue of up to 292,999,133 shares at yesterdays AGM, RBY has raised $1,575,000 (before costs) from the placement of 45,000,000 ordinary shares at 3.5 cents per s
Price $275,000 FIRM Turnover $20,000 pw. 6 days per week. Massive potential. Needs energetic operator. Jan Gunnink 9486 1000 Gunnink & Co Business Brokers.