This growing and highly profitable master franchise displays significant weekly cashflow for the owner. Only four staff and an owner are required to operate the business successfully.
Price: $850,000 ps Villas located in town centre. Excellent retirement business or redevelopment opportunity. Irene Grove: 9486 1000 Gunnink & Co Business Brokers
Australian Quality Plus has appointed Mark Paino as general manager in WA. Mr Paino was previously with a Fremantle based Food Service and National Ship Supply company for more than 25 years.
Baraka Petroleum Limited has been working with the government of Mali recently to provide emergency famine assistance for stricken communities in the West African country.
Price: $1,000,000 Successful family owned business for the past 14 years. It is well located within the Kalgoorlie townsite and supplies a wide range of local and regional clientele.
Mid West Chamber of Commerce and Industry has appointed Rob Houwen as their new president. Mr Houwen has held the role of vice president since June 2005.
Proposed code: CEO Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: optical wholesale production. (08) 9328 3311 The company is aiming to raise $2.5 million. Sponsoring securities dealer: Marketech.
Advise that it has today formalised arrangements with stockbrokers to raise $1,510,000 by way of an issue of 15,100,000 fully paid shares at an issue price of 10 cents per share.