Announce that agreement has been reached with Falconbridge (Australia) Pty Ltd to fund exploration for nickel sulphide mineralisation on its 100% owned tenements in the Beasley and Bellary areas of WA
Bank of Scotland, which recently bought BankWest, the Perth-based regional bank, from the Western Australian state government for $900m, is aiming to recoup $437.7m of that when it floats a 49% intere
Proposed code: CEO Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: optical wholesale production.(08) 9328 3311 The company is aiming to raise $2.5 million. Sponsoring securities dealer: Marketech.
Has entered into an agreement with Mineralogy Pty Ltd ("Mineralogy") under which SBNC has the exclusive right to purchase Cane River Mining Pty Ltd ("Cane River"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Mineral
Has today formalised arrangements with DJ Carmichael Pty Limited to raise up to $1,900,000 by way of an issue of up to 10,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of 19 cents per share.
Price: $782,000 POA (includes; boats and equipment and licences). Successful lifestyle business in the best parts of WA. Netting $276,000. 5 bed house also for sale, if required.
Dimitrios Papadimitriou - The Papadimitriou Family Trust became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 22,460,000 ordinary shares (7.00%).
The Tax Office now has in place systems to ensure this does not happen in future. All new systems, and major changes to existing systems, go through a legal technical assurance process.
Proposed code: VUL Issue price: $0.40 Principal activities: uranium exploration.Corporate: Peter Huston (chairman); Peter Sullivan (managing director); Henry Price (non-executive director); Jodi Ison
Orchid’s investee, Xing Ling International Pte Ltd, has signed an exclusive agreement with Topsun Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Trading Company Ltd (Topsun), one of China’s largest pharmaceutical gr
MINING giant BHP Billiton Ltd has won draft approval from the competition watchdog for its joint venture with leading Japanese steel maker, JFE Steel Corporation.
Price: $550 - $700,000 range. There is always work in this industry. 12 year steady and very profitable history and turnover of $2 million+. Exceptional and regular profits.